当交易做好干涸时,rainmaker是什么?通常,在其他地方寻找更环保的牧场。迈克尔Zaoui似乎是这种情况。上个月,摩根斯坦利的欧洲兼并和收购委员会51岁的主席宣布退出该公司。摩洛哥本土和归化的法国公民是关于他的计划的COY,但提示他不会闲着。“我经验的一个人可以期待成为首席执行官和公司多年的顾问,”他告诉机构投资者。亚博赞助欧冠Zaoui earned an MBA from Harvard before joining Morgan Stanley’s New York office in 1986. He moved to London in 1990 to help the bank break into the French corporate advisory market before taking charge of European M&A in 1997. People close to Zaoui, whose younger brother Yoel is head of European investment banking at Goldman Sachs in London, say he wants less administrative responsibility and is likely to surface at one of Europe’s growing number of boutique firms. He certainly has no shortage of connections. Two of Zaoui’s early mentors at Morgan Stanley were Eric Gleacher and Robert Greenhill, both of whom now run their own corporate advisory boutiques.