
替代方案 - 进入南非


在艰难时期之前,投资者曾经看过南非作为黄金的热点。而且清楚地,南非 - 占世界黄金生产的11% - 这是珍贵金属价格巨大的受益者。但非洲最大的经济日这些日子更多样化,而该国的本土对冲基金业务正在投注一系列新兴产业,包括纺织品,电子和金融服务。

“我们在很大程度上投资于金融领域,”Cape镇的思考投资管理首席投资官Carl Isernhinke表示,他的公司并未专注于采矿,南非传统上都知道的行业。

Clade - 由Carl Liebenberg成立于2005年,作为催化剂创新的分支(成立于1997年) - 只有3000万兰特(430万美元)开始。Clade Investment的母公司,CLADE COMBON,在管理层下拥有18亿元,并为其南非可投资对冲基金指数提供了关注,该基金指数投资34个国内基金。



这是一个保守的方法生的政府mposed exchange controls introduced in World War II and strengthened during the country’s debt crisis in 1985 and again during the advent of majority rule in 1994. The restrictions limit hedge funds mostly to long-short investing, though in February allowances were made for trades in currency-future options. The rules also prevent South African hedge funds from investing more than 30 percent of their capital outside the country; that figure is expected to increase gradually, however. Historically, the government has done little else to regulate the hedge fund industry, but that may be changing in the wake of a hometown scandal. Cape Town–based Evercrest Capital made a bad bet shorting the stock of South Africa’s largest insurer, Sanlam, in April 2007 and lost R132 million, or almost two thirds of its value. Rules were promptly enacted requiring minimum levels of experience and education for hedge fund managers.

根据Cape Town的投资组合管理公司Novare Investments(管理资产的资产),总对冲基金资产增长率为68.6%,达到2006年6月至2007年6月,因为资金数量增加from 90 to 131. Novare, which was founded in 2000 and has an auxiliary office devoted to investment in Botswana and a pension manager contract with the government there (Botswana has one of the world’s highest per capita income growth rates), reports that the ten largest funds manage 40 percent of total assets.

从1994年的种族隔离结束地区瞄准社会负责投资的基金的利基。希望与政府开展业务的南非公司 - 任何国家最大的单一消费者 - 必须指定为黑色经济赋权企业,或蜜蜂,这意味着他们必须至少25.1%的黑色所有。“当我们在公司的股权购买时,我们为该公司提供了纳撒公司,Zuko Kubukeli Zuko Kubukeli,Johannesburg的泛非洲资本持有,这是一个与Rand Merchant Bank有关的黑人投资管理公司。Kubukeli说,在管理银行和“尽职应力投资者的家庭”下,他公司落后的资本落后的资本落后于其公司的资产。

Yorkville Advisors of Jersey City, New Jersey, is among the foreign hedge funds angling for entry into the market as it negotiates for a stake in a South African financial services firm that specializes in making small-business loans.

Antony Ghee,Yorkville Associate董事,注释了美国和南非对冲基金行业之间的两大差异:“它肯定不是美国市场的液体。还有一个沉重的机构空间 - 并非零售交易那么多。“