



2007年,AP7 - 瑞典养老金制度中最大的贡献基金 - 当两只熊斯特森斯的COS中失去了650万克朗(100万美元)。信贷对冲基金在其次级抵押贷款组合中遭受了巨大的损失。AP7通过瑞士尼姆尼姆集团管理的对冲基金基金进行了投资。为了使事情变得更糟,EIM也是Amaranth顾问的投资者,这是一个康涅狄格州的康涅狄格州的股份有限公司,康涅狄格州的公司于2006年9月失去了超过60亿美元的赌注,这是对天然气的糟糕赌。

“One thing that we have experienced during the years we’ve been invested in funds of hedge funds is that when underlying hedge funds run into trouble, the media risk is quite high,” says Richard Gröttheim, 48, chief investment officer of AP7, which has some Skr1.6 billion of its total Skr82 billion in assets invested in funds of hedge funds. “Even though it’s a small part of the portfolio, and even if you have a diverse fund-of-funds portfolio, it can be tough to deal with that issue.”

Gröttheim和AP7的九个会员投资委员会正在努力利用对冲基金的非相关回报的好处,并将戏剧留下。六个月前,他们开始重新评估计划的资金基金,并决定查看对冲基金复制策略。对冲基金克隆寻求重现HEDLI综合指数等对冲基金基准的回报 - 超过2,000个基金的篮子 - 通常使用指数期货的组合,股票,债券和其他证券。他们还收取比积极管理资金的费用明显降低。该方法呼吁AP7董事会,计划在今年夏天雇用两组或三家公司来管理复制策略。目标:将AP7的整个对冲基金分配从基金资金到年底到克隆。

Gröttheim joined AP7 as CIO and executive vice president in 2000, when the plan was created as part of the nationwide pension system reform that Sweden had begun in 1998. Previously head of the monetary and foreign exchange policy department at Sveriges Riksbank, Sweden’s central bank, he spearheaded AP7’s move into hedge funds in July 2002, when the plan hired EIM and Stamford, Connecticut–based K2 Advisors to each manage 2 percent of its total assets in fund-of-hedge-funds portfolios. In March 2006 — before the troubles at Amaranth and Bear Stearns — AP7 put the two firms on a watch list for possible termination, largely because of disappointing returns on the part of hedge funds in general.

2007年5月,董事会选择将计划的对冲基金分配减少到2%,并将其私募股权分配从4%增加到6%(2008年1月再次增加,达到8%)。投资组合的大部分是股票 - 全球股票的52%,瑞典股市的20%,新兴市场的10%。该计划的10%的固定收入分配包括瑞典债券的4%,外国债券的4%和2%的对冲基金分配。

但不是每个人都像复制策略的优点一样充满自信。美国的Callan Companiates在旧金山的Callan Compariates表示,美国投资者比欧洲同行不太可能拥抱该产品。他怀疑鸿沟存在,因为欧洲人要求他们的资产总是可用。但他补充说,投资者应该意识到,这些产品可能难以预测市场转折点。


