

当雷曼兄弟首席执行官Richard Fuld命名为赫伯特(Bart)McDade III,6月16日举行的华尔街投资银行的总裁兼首席运营官,他可能一直在朝着一整天取代自己的一步。

当雷曼兄弟首席执行官Richard Fuld命名为赫伯特(Bart)McDade III,6月16日举行的华尔街投资银行的总裁兼首席运营官,他可能一直在朝着一整天取代自己的一步。McDade是一个25年的雷曼老将,在过去的两份工作中被认为是升级的收入,首先是固定收入的负责人,然后担任股票负责人。“巴特是继承人明显的,”雷曼沃德·沃克(Lehman)的全球投资管理负责人表示,他现在向McDade报告。McDade的第一份工作?Persuade investors that Lehman won’t go the way of Bear Stearns Cos. after reporting a first-ever quarterly net loss of $2.8 billion, raising about $12 billion in capital, replacing its COO and CFO and watching its stock price fall 70 percent in the past 12 months. Less than two weeks after his promotion, McDade, who declines to comment, rehired two former colleagues who had left the firm — Michael Gelband as head of sales and trading for the combined equity and fixed-income divisions and Alix Kirk, who is in charge of deploying Lehman’s own capital.