


几十年来,沙特里亚尔领导的海湾货币之间的固定汇率,以及美国美元的最紧迫赌注。该安排是辩护保障华盛顿州向沙特院及其石油邻国提供的金融Quid Pro。但是安装在该地区的通胀压力正在刺激佩格,抛弃市场猜测,即可能在作品中可能的巨大变化。

Talk of currency reform has spread across the region since Kuwait shifted its peg from the dollar to a basket of currencies in May 2007. The dollar’s decline over the following year has intensified the debate in the other Gulf Cooperation Council countries: Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar and Bahrain. Economists say the dollar peg is at least partly to blame for inflation rates that have surpassed 10 percent in all GCC states except Bahrain. The dollar’s decline raises the prices of imports from Europe and Asia, and the fixed-exchange-rate policy prevents Gulf nations from using monetary policy to quell inflation. Gulf central banks have been obliged to follow U.S. monetary policy and cut interest rates though their economies are booming.


The International Monetary Fund added its voice to the debate in August, saying in its latest report on the Saudi economy that although the peg’s benefits probably outweigh its costs, the kingdom should consider a change in policy if inflation persists or if plans for a single GCC currency are delayed. The Saudis have been pushing for Gulf countries to adopt a common currency by 2010, but few observers believe the GCC will meet that target because of economic tensions and political differences.

沙特阿拉伯货币署州长哈马德·萨塔尔(Hamad Al-Sayari)规定了重新估价利雅或放弃挂钩的可能性。他责备通货膨胀 - 7月份升至7月至高11.1%的30岁高,全球粮食和商品价格上涨11.1%,并加快了对项目开支的公共和私营部门支出的加速步伐,这是对房地产和服务的要求。

然而,像Al-Sayari的官方抵抗未能降低拨打政策转变。在7月份举报中,纽约州萨克斯&Co Co.高级全球市场经济学家Jens Nordvig敦促GCC国家搬到货币篮下,采取其他措施发展该地区的资本市场。“从经济角度来看,赞成搬到更灵活的系统的论点非常强烈,”特别是在帮助逆胀,他争辩。Nordvig在明年期望通货膨胀,高盛经济学家缺席,高盛经济学家预计将在明年的所有GCC国家崛起。

汇丰股份有总部位于迪拜的高级区域经济学家Simon Williams表示,“我认为货币改革将使通货膨胀问题过夜,但这将是一个积极的初步步骤。”虽然政策制定者“强烈思想保持现状”,但威廉姆斯认为,终止美元挂钩最终占上风的逻辑。“我们在五年内看到改革的机会很高,”他断言。“作为海湾作为经济的年龄最新的一部分,这些国家将转向更好的事情,更好地为他们的迅速和动态而发展的经济体。”

