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买边 - 波士顿的风暴酿造


8月6日周一上午35点,雷米布朗Daniel LeVan, the two lead portfolio managers of Boston Co. Asset Management’s international core equity strategy, marched into the office of a senior colleague and announced that they and five other members of their team were resigning, effective immediately. Then they rushed to join their new employer, John Adams, CEO of Munder Capital Management of Birmingham, Michigan, who was waiting aboard a private jet to fly them to Detroit, according to a lawsuit filed on August 17 by Boston Co. against the seven men and Munder Capital alleging breach of contract, theft of a proprietary investment process and poaching of clients.

救援在金钱管理世界中几乎没有罕见,但这一个特别是凌乱的 - 并离开波士顿公司争抢。亚博赞助欧冠机构投资者往往在经理改变时拖欠资金,八月和九月退出近110亿美元,由该团队管理的国际核心战略投资组合,其中监督了大约200亿美元的760亿美元波士顿公司在提升前管理。

但是,10月份有更多的坏消息,为古老的金钱管理装备,现在是BNY Mellon Asset Management的一部分,当投资者开始将资金拉出另一个基金时,由投资组合经理D. Kirk Henry经营的国际大型价值战略underperformed his benchmark, the MSCI EAFE index, by 4.06 percentage points on an annualized basis for the three years through September 30. Overall, Boston Co.’s assets fell by 14 percent, to about $65 billion, during the third quarter.

10月下旬,该公司将其顶级管理层重组,用Cio David Cameron取代了首席执行官Corey Griffin,又由Cio David Cameron取代了Cio David Cameron,由此董事主策略约翰Truschel成功。Griffin,名叫非主席,将专注于与客户合作。

“These events created a perfect storm,” says Michael Travaglini, executive director of Massachusetts’ Pension Reserves Investment Management Board, which closed its $1.2 billion account in Henry’s international large-cap value strategy on October 2.


BNY Mellon Asset Management的首席执行官Ronald O'Hanley:“我们已经把更多的资金放入公司。我们站在它并确保它可以继续投资自己的流程和在公司的更新中。“

奥海利表示,波士顿有限公司的两个人遇到的困难是从高级管理层过渡的“完全分开”。And he argues that, in any case, the firm can rely on a wide array of investment products, some with excellent records, such as a domestic U.S. large-cap core strategy run by portfolio manager Sean Fitzgibbon that has stayed in the top quartile since January 1, 2006, and has earned a four-star rating from Morningstar for the past five years.

在他的新作用中,格里芬已经开始了全球营销活动,捎带BNY Mellon,它来自非U.S的资产管理收入的三分之一。对于机构亚博赞助欧冠投资者来说,格里芬正在推出130/30战略 - 一个股票产品,持续130%,短岗位持有130%和30%的职位 - 该公司于2007年推出。在零售前波士顿公司计划销售长期共同基金它是另一个BNY Mellon子公司Dreyfus的归档。

仍然,波士顿公司的工作削减了它。该公司的性能问题不仅限于亨利的国际大型超值策略。2007年前六个月的布朗和莱曼也表现不佳,缺少60个基点的基准MSCI EAFE - 经过三年的时间,每年击败超过5个百分点。


Not that Munder will find it so easy to woo Boston Co.’s clients. The liftout raised questions about whether Browne and LeVan were acting in their own interests or those of their clients, says William Atwood, executive director of the Illinois State Board of Investment, which closed a $281 million account in Boston Co.’s international core equity strategy in October. Atwood says he received a phone call from a Munder salesperson on Friday, August 10, just four days after the liftout, but he declined to move the money to Munder.