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Under the plan Hermes, with BT’s blessing, will invest £50 million ($99 million) to build up its technology infrastructure and hire new specialist investment teams with the aim of turning the genteel pension-asset manager into a cutting-edge, multiboutique investment house.


克拉克现年49岁,加大了临时CEO七月安森后 - 谁只在2006年2月加入公司 - 宣布,他返回美国加盟总部位于芝加哥的Nuveen投资。在12月,三个月的搜索后,爱马仕宣布,克拉克将被永久占用了工作。

As part of its new expansion plan, Hermes for the first time will pursue a divide-and-conquer approach, creating a dedicated 35-person team to handle BTPS’s portfolio and freeing the rest of the investment staff to focus more closely on third-party asset management. Hermes, which currently employs 153 investment professionals, manages funds for some 240 external clients — including pension funds, insurance companies, government entities and financial institutions — but BTPS still accounts for £37.1 billion of its £52.4 billion in assets.



过瘾它的主人的一种手段,爱马仕分配天才奈杰尔的LabRAM - 谁最近被提升为和替代战略的执行董事爱马仕 - 运行新的养老团队BTPS的任务。The 54-year-old commodities expert, who previously worked at UBS and Rabobank, has overseen Hermes’s burgeoning portfolio of alternative investments since fall 2006. The portfolio has more than doubled in size over the past two years as BTPS, under Anson, increased its weighting in alternatives to 15 percent of its portfolio, from 7 percent. Those strategies will still be the area of greatest emphasis going forward.

“球队认为我们已经拥有的广度是巨大的 - 现在我们要能够成长,”说的LabRAM。