



The merger of Bovespa Holding, which operates the local stock market, Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo, and the Bolsa de Mercadorias & Futuros, the country’s commodities and futures exchange, creates a powerful new player on the global stage, and one that is eager to flex its muscles. The new exchange — for now dubbed, appropriately enough, Nova Bolsa — will have a market capitalization of about $20 billion, good enough to rank third in the world, behind only Frankfurt-based Deutsche Börse and Chicago futures giant CME Group and ahead of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing and NYSE Euronext. It will boast a full range of products, from stocks and commodities to financial futures and options, and an integrated structure that includes a lucrative clearing and settlement arm as well as a securities trading platform.

“巴西搬到了与世界上任何其他人一样好或更好的交流的[一个位置],”BM&F董事长Felix Cintra Neto在宣布这笔交易时表示。

自去年公共自去年以来,两次交易所都在滚动。Bovespa从全球令人兴趣的兴起受益于巴西股票。The main Bovespa index has risen more than fivefold since a bull market began in mid-2003 — it surged 6.33 percent on April 30 after Standard & Poor’s raised Brazil’s credit rating to investment grade — lifting the capitalization of the market’s 451 companies to more than $2.4 trillion. São Paulo had a record 64 IPOs last year that raised $34 billion, and the flow looks likely to continue. “Future IPO volumes are expected to be high,” says Jerome Booth, head of research at Ashmore Investment Management, a London-based emerging-markets specialist. Bovespa’s net income rose nearly 800 percent in 2007, to 176.7 million reais ($99.6 million).


通过组合力量,两次交易所预计到2010年的成本降低了25%。“它将市场放在一个平台下的多个基础设施,并扩大盈利能力,”金融市场研究公司的塔博集团首席执行官Larry Tabb说。

根据合并协议,每次交易所的股东将在Nova Bolsa获得一个普通股,为每个现有份额。此外,BM&F将为Bovespa持有人支付12.4亿Rea。然而,许多操作细节仍有待决定,包括高管运行新实体的关键问题。


交易所也渴望开发远方的关系,了解外国投资者在BOVESPA的75%的交易中占75%的事实,并在BM&F中的17%。纽约证券交易所欧洲交易所在去年10月作为其首次公开募股的一部分,比去年的一部分是其首次公开募股的一部分。CME和BM&F正在前进,订单路由协议将使每个交易所成员能够在今年晚些时候交易其他产品的现有屏幕上。巴西·鲍尔萨(Nova Bolsa)将与实力的竞争力谈判,Engenheiros Financeiros咨询公司Carlos Coradi表示,诺克洛斯Coradi表示,SãoPaulo的咨询公司Carlos Coradi表示。