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CEO Jeffrey Immelt trims financial services exposure and expands global ties.

    Jeffrey Immelt, General Electric’s affable chief executive, never seems frustrated. His smile is invariably warm, his handshake welcoming, his demeanor calm and good-natured.

    But make no mistake, this is one frustrated man. As he sees it, GE proves again and again that its diversified portfolio of businesses gives it an advantage over single-focused competitors. Where Immelt sees a group of businesses that build on each other’s technological, managerial and customer service strengths, however, investors see a mélange of companies that do not belong under the same umbrella. To make matters worse, GE derives about 45 percent of its revenue from financial services, a sector that, even in the best of times, trades at lower multiples than industrial companies do.

    The upshot: GE shares have been getting hammered. Problem loans, a critically weak real estate market and troubles in the health care unit and with consumer finance in Japan converged on GE earlier this year. It reported first-quarter earnings of 43 cents a share. Analysts had forecast 51 cents, and furious investors sent the stock plummeting by 13 percent, to $32.05.

    GE恢复了通常的游戏 - 通过一分钱 - 上季度迎接或击败期望,即时在金融危机中席卷。事实上,GE Capital已经没有造成融资本身,并且仍然是非常溶剂。GE仍然有一个三重信用评级。



    Immelt is certain that he has hit on a winning strategy. In a recent conversation with亚博赞助欧冠贡献作者克劳迪娅德国,他解释了原因。


    Immelt:This company has averaged 11 percent earnings growth over the past 30 years, while the S&P has averaged 7 percent. Our margins are invariably higher than those of our competitors. And if you look at businesses we’ve sold over the years — which one do you hear saying, ‘Wow, I’m performing like a champ now that I’m away from GE!’? Our businesses share best practices and intellectual capabilities, they share technologies, they offer scale. Everyone says we should sell NBC Universal, but I’m telling you, the people there don’t want to be sold.

    But you have sold off chunks of GE. Reinsurance and plastics are gone. You’re selling your private-label credit card business and consumer lending in Japan. And you’ve just put legacy businesses like appliances and lighting up for auction. Aren’t you, de facto, breaking up the company?


    But you’re right, I never expected to reshape the portfolio to this extent. I certainly never expected that I’d sell reinsurance, for example. In 2001, 20 percent of our earnings were from insurance. We were a 50 P/E stock, and you sure don’t think of selling a business that provides that large a chunk of earnings.

    But don’t forget, I’ve bought lots of companies too. Renewable energy, water, life sciences, cable television — all these businesses were built on companies we acquired.

    When you took over GE, it had 11 businesses. You reduced that to six a while ago. And recently, you whittled it to four. It sure looks like you are at least trying to give the appearance of deconglomeratizing.

    We’re simplifying the company, not dismantling it. And one of the benefits is that we can give some of our best leaders, people like John Rice [president of the technology infrastructure division] or Mike Neal [president of capital and capital services] or Jeff Zucker [president of NBC Universal], even more responsibility than they have now.


    Anything but. Half of our television advertising budget is devoted to health care. It is one of this company’s most important faces.

    You have publicly said that you expect 60 percent of GE’s revenue to come from outside the U.S. by 2010. Does the conglomerate structure help or hinder you overseas?






    我们不要受到边界条件的制约s, by the idea that you can’t invest in any good business. But, yes, there was a time when financial services represented more than half of earnings, and investors made it clear they weren’t comfortable with that. And in the past year financial services has become a really tough neighborhood to be in. We’re now on track to get up to 60 percent of earnings from industrial businesses.

    That’s a major change for GE. Have there been other radical shifts in management philosophies on your watch?

    For the past five years, we’ve really worked on repositioning the GE brand from consumer to industrial. We get a lot more brand equity from our ecomagination products than we ever got from appliances.

    We are more customer-focused and more focused on technology and innovation. And, as we have globalized, we have embraced partnerships. Before, we wouldn’t have realized that to succeed in the Mideast we need a partner like Mubadala. I hate to call it less arrogance on our part — let’s just refer to it as more openness to learning from others.

    What can GE offer a sovereign wealth fund in a rich country like Abu Dhabi?

    We’ll build a headquarters and a research center in Abu Dhabi, and we’ll help develop people and skill sets. We’ll invest in Mubadala’s clean energy fund, they’ll put money in our industrial investment fun. It’s a true partnership, the kind they can’t get by investing in a hedge fund.

