

J. Christopher Flowers感受到1月份拒绝的痛苦,当时冰岛的Kaupting Bank撤回其30亿欧元(44亿美元)的中间市投资银行NIBC。

J. Christopher Flowers感受到1月份拒绝的痛苦,当时冰岛的Kaupting Bank撤回其30亿欧元(44亿美元)的中间市投资银行NIBC。现在,前高盛 - 交易制造商转身 - 私募股权投资者希望造成一些痛苦和痛苦的NIBC当地竞争对手ABN AMRO。


8月下旬,Kaupthing宣布意图从买断公司J.C. Flowers&Co.及其Nibc Consortium Partners购买NIBC,其中包括美国银行和英国保险公司Aviva。在荷兰投资银行看到其前半年收益的一周后,这只是次级次级记笔率下降了98%,达到300万欧元。

该销售将使花卉集团成为一个扩大的Kaupting的最大股东,股权为15.9%。Kaupting的投资银行服务将从九个国家增长到13个,而资产将增长57%,达到755亿欧元。Kaupthing estimated in August that a combination of cross-selling and cheaper funding for the enlarged group would have created revenue and cost synergies at NIBC of €50 million this year, equal to nearly 21 percent of the Dutch bank’s €242 million in aftertax profits from continuing operations in 2007. “We are disappointed that we couldn’t complete the deal, but I don’t think anyone imagined that the market turbulence caused by the subprime crisis would be as severe or as long-lasting as it has proved,” Hreidar Már Sigurdsson, chief executive of Kaupthing, tells II. “In the new environment it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to realize either the cost or revenue synergies we were hoping to achieve.”

鲜花并未指望独立的NIBC在目前艰难的银行市场促进其利润5000万欧元。但他认为,海牙银行通过窃取荷兰银行的投资银行业务的投资银行业务窃取客户,大致匹配去年的盈利能力,该公司于10月份购买了710亿欧元的苏格兰和Banco Santander。Fortis将接管ABN AMRO的零售和商业银行,资产管理和私人银行业务,而RBS将获得投资银行和亚洲和北美业务。桑坦德与荷兰银行的巴西子公司一起走开。

NIBC的机会位于荷兰,两年前,荷兰ABN AMRO折叠投资银行进入零售和商业银行。Fortis和RB现在必须解开这两个企业。


至于Kaupthing,它正在忙碌起来。“Although we had more than a year’s worth of funding on hand for our operations even before canceling the NIBC purchase, we are slowing down the bank’s growth and concentrating on gathering retail deposits in all our markets to minimize dependency on wholesale funding and reassure investors,” says Sigurdsson. “This is likely to be a very tough year.”