


一年多过去了,因为次贷市场的崩盘美国,拖累与周围世界信贷和股票市场,但是其连锁反应只是滚滚而来。In July, Wachovia Corp. stunned Wall Street by announcing an $8.9 billion write-down for the second quarter — much more than analysts expected — owing largely to troubles with the Charlotte, North Carolina–based bank’s mortgage lending subsidiary, Golden West Financial Corp. To help offset the losses, Wachovia announced it would slash its dividend and eliminate thousands of jobs, a strategy that many of its bulge-bracket counterparts had already undertaken to help cope with credit-related losses that the International Monetary Fund estimates at more than $500 billion worldwide, through the end of the second quarter.




研究providers gained a lot of efficiencies in recent years — eliminating quarterly reports and other so-called maintenance research, expanding Web sites and other electronic delivery systems for written research, cutting back on analysts’ travel time — and so had to be creative in finding new, cost-effective ways to meet the needs of clients that want up-to-the-minute information on an ever-changing market. For some firms that has meant shifting the focus away from published research and toward direct communication with top-tier clients.

“随着发行人和客户覆盖范围的发展,通过出版来解决您的成员的所有需求变得更具挑战性,”纽约美国证券广场的高收益研究负责人拉里·布兰德说:顶端- 在医疗保健中行走的团队。Bland表示,BOFA的固定收入研究部门,在美国,在过去一年中仍保持稳定。“我们依靠实时客户联系,并将我们的资源分配给那些需要立即关注的客户,谁认识到我们的特许经营权的价值。”



JPMorgan responded to the clamoring for information by Asian clients by sending a group of U.S.-based researchers — credit strategists, insurance and bank analysts and specialists in collateralized debt obligations — to Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney, Taipei and Tokyo in September and again in February to meet with about 500 investors to discuss the subprime crisis and its ramifications. “Everyone had lots of questions to ask,” recalls Margaret Cannella, New York–based global head of credit research and U.S. corporate strategy. Investors sought the analysts’ assessment of the depth, scope and likely duration of the credit crisis, both within the U.S. and in markets across the globe, she says.

JPMorgan, with 87 U.S. fixed-income publishing analysts, is one of the few firms to add researchers this year, owing to JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s takeover of Bear Stearns (fourth last year), which was completed May 30. Cannella says her department picked up eight Bear analysts, including Susan Berliner, who was No. 3 in Real Estate Investment Trusts and runner-up in Building last year and is No. 2 in the latter sector this year; Douglas Colandrea, No. 2 in Media & Entertainment and No. 3 in Telecommunications Services last year and a runner-up in both categories this year; and Ian Jaffe, No. 2 in Banks and a runner-up in Nonbank Financials last year and No. 3 in Banks this year. (Jaffe replaced Kabir Caprihan, a runner-up last year in Banks, who moved over to the buy side.)


其他研究部门通过重组其商业模式回应了信贷危机。瑞银在5月份将其九个成员的高档信用册导致其专有的交易台,尽管该公司的高产战略家仍然发布研究。“我们认为,在投资成绩方面,交易活动往往是更多的主题 - 行业正在一起移动而不是单一的名字 - 我们将依靠高级桌面分析师团队更深入地潜入挥发性行业的特定学分Ad Hoc基础,“纽约全球信用研究的联席声解释了Jeffrey Skoglund,以及Autos&Auto零件的第三位团队领导者。

12月,该公司将其15名非公布承保分析师迁至其高产分析师团队,该分析师队确实发布,并消除了剩余职位;结构化证券集团丢失了三个分析师。After all the changes, UBS has 54 U.S. fixed-income publishing analysts, down from 62 last year, according to Laurie Goodman, New York–based global co-head of fixed-income research and the leader or co-leader of top-ranked teams

在抵押贷款支持证券/可调利率抵押贷款,MBS /代理结构化产品,MBS / Nongency-Suralized产品和MBS战略(以及MBS /代理商通过和MBS /预付款的2号球队领导者)。

一年前,随着次级抵押贷款危机开始展开,II询问耶和华 - 谁已经领导了九年跑步的排名第一,预测未来几个月会持有的内容。在她准确的预测中:2008年初将看到实体经济放缓,房价下跌,止赎率不断上升,抵押贷款发起人会有重大的整合。“当尘埃沉降时,抵押贷款市场看起来完全不同,”她说。

古德曼还预测,联邦储备委员会的攻击性搬迁有助于弥补证券价格。虽然债券价格已经有利地努力减少联邦基金利率 - 美联储已将其基准降低率降低,目前以来的2.0%,自去年9月以来七次 - 经济衰退和闭幕性抵押贷款市场造成的不断变化。

“我们去年错过的一件事 - 以及其他人也错过了,是不善市场的关机,”耶和华说。“这使得借款人获得抵押贷款更加困难,这导致了更多的房屋价格折旧,这导致贷款标准进一步收紧,导致价格恶化甚至更糟糕的绩效。”



克里斯托弗弗拉纳曼,JPMORGAN的纽约的全球结构化财务研究负责人,同意。“There’s not much the Fed can do at this point — that’s another part of why the markets have come under so much pressure,” says Flanagan, who leads or co-leads the top teams in Asset-Backed Securities/Consumer, ABS/Prepayments, ABS/Real Estate and Collateralized Debt Obligations.


当时,弗拉纳人们向客户提出谨慎,因为价格暴跌:ABX 07-1 BBB-,追踪次级抵押贷款的指数在2006年下半年举行,从2007年1月至33.53点跌至33.53几个月后。采用佛罗兰语的建议的投资者捆绑了:截至8月中旬,指数站在4.79。




其他人袭击了对冲基金。“One of our biggest challenges remains retaining talent,” says BofA’s Bland, adding that each year he hires two to four MBA graduates and enrolls them in a training program to become junior analysts, associate analysts and eventually senior analysts, so the research department remains fully staffed even after hedge funds come calling. “Hedge funds have an interest in people with strong credit skills, but that challenge also acts as recognition of the value of the talent.”
