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过去四年来的前Gartmore全球投资高管罗伯特·瓦格纳和大卫·布朗,凯斯科普队的经济型资产为650亿美元,据最多,两年的复合年度率为18.4%,最近的数据可用。这使得波士顿的CERULLI伙伴们的排名排名最快的机构管理人员,这是一个由Blackrock和Goldman Sachs Group和Morgan Stanley的附属公司这样更大的公司主导的名单。利润也在增长:Keycorp的制度和资本市场业务,包括胜利,第二季度收入中报告了2.31亿美元,较年前的45%,净收入为4200万美元,增长11%。虽然Keycorp面临不可避免的猜测,但它可能销售公司筹集资金,但它表明没有向这种方向移动的外在迹象。Keycorp Ceo Henry Meyer III表示,他认为胜利作为皇冠宝石。

沃格纳,胜利董事长和CEO和棕色,COO,对他们的成功表示是至关重要的:他们说服父母银行赔偿投资组合经理和高级管理人员,好像他们为独立的货币经理工作other words, based on Victory’s, rather than KeyCorp’s, results. Being able to "link our business to the performance of our business," says Brown, "enabled us to retain our top talent."

The approach, which few bank-owned money managers use, paid off in 2007, when Victory brought in more than 100 new institutional mandates. Its employees made more money than ever — Wagner and Brown won’t comment specifically on the pay scales — despite the bank’s deepening troubles. Victory continues to grow, having nabbed a contract from the $50 billion-in-assets Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management Board for Austin Capital Management, a Victory subsidiary.

与此同时,马萨普拉姆正在招聘奥斯汀,它正在射击五个其他高层的长期经理,包括腿部梅森,作为综合战略的一部分,可以大大提高其替代资产课程的分配。Wagner and Brown had made the bet that traditional managers needed to have hedge fund and other alternatives capabilities to keep up with institutional investors looking for uncorrelated assets and bought Austin in April 2006. "We’re one of four funds of hedge funds to be selected by this huge retirement system. This is a defining moment for Austin," says Brown. Victory has tripled Austin’s assets under management, to about $3 billion from $900 million at the time of the purchase.

瓦格纳和棕色在Gartmore曾在Gartmore - 瓦格纳担任总裁兼首席执行官,杨为CFO和Gartmore新兴经理COO。从费城搬到克利夫兰的一对,削减了成本,从350左右切割员工到210;它现在达到240.他们退出了这样的产品,作为一个大型价值战略,投资于技术和风险管理系统,进入替代投资,聘请高级高级管理人员,以主管机构销售,产品,股票和固定收入。2006年7月,胜利聘请了由玛格丽特Lindsay领导的五个人国际团队,来自Fachillin Globalleton Investments的一部分,其中一项举措,使其成为国际小组和小帽子这样的战略。

收入和利润自2004年以来翻了一番,和我nvestment performance is up. Wagner says one of the things he is most proud of is that growth never fell off, even as the firm was making big investments in the business. Victory also benefited from support from the parent company to seed funds and make acquisitions.
