From the time Bank of New York Co. and Mellon Financial Corp. announced plans to merge, in December 2006, until they completed the deal and Bank of New York Mellon Corp. was born, in July 2007, the banks’ combined assets under custody ballooned by $3 trillion, to $21 trillion. BNY Mellon has picked up a further $2 trillion from the merger through March 31. The growth is attributable at least in part to pension funds, mutual funds and other big investors eager to avail themselves of the economies of scale that only a custodial behemoth can offer. But smaller customers wanted in on the action too, to benefit from the state-of-the-art technology that bigger investors demand.
“客户喜欢大。大塔群体的金融服务咨询公司的投资管理部门研究总监Dayle Scher,更大意味着资源,新兴市场,更好的全球网络和对尖端技术的看法,探讨了。
根据机构投资者的年度全球监护权排名,2007年由世界上最大的托管人,2007年的合并梅隆,迄今为止,迄今为止,迄今为止,迄今为止,迄今为止迄今为止,拥有比第2次摩根大约2亿美元的15.7万亿美元。亚博赞助欧冠今年企业由保管条款的总资产排名 - 每股银行全球全球监护业务的衡量标准 - 而不是通过全球监护资产,业务的跨境子集。下表列出了2008年的2008年排名,根据3月31日的资产列出了该公司,并展示了他们在去年的顾问,他们在被保管下的全球资产排名而不是全球资产。BNY MELLON的2007年排名基于合并前的纽约和匹兹堡的银行综合监护资产;BNY MELLON将超越JPMORGAN 27.3%。
BNY Mellon Asset维修和前全球Mellon Asset维修的BOSTON CO-SENCE行政官员James Palermo相信BNY MELLON交易不同。“与以前的资产维修合并不同,这是由两个非常大的球员组成的,”他说。“在过去,你看到大型公司收购小型球员,或者强大的购买弱者。”
客户显然接受了更大的更好的论点。巴勒莫说,BNY Mellon赢得了投资者的任务,比其自行享有的银行更高的速度。他说,赢得30%至40%的交易被认为是好的;BNY Mellon赢得了60%的人在过去一年中竞争的60%。
芝加哥北方信任的企业和机构服务总裁蒂莫西廷蒂科蒂蒂米特(Timothy Theriault)规模并没有讲述整个故事。“我们的规模和规模在这个市场上是一个优势,因为专业知识和服务对制度客户来说是处理越来越多的监管和合规性负担在市场波动和迅速变化中,”他所说的。“我们的大小让我们灵活,所以我们可以快速开发解决方案,以帮助客户回应活动。”
Theriault adds that Northern Trust’s pretax profit margin of 42 percent for the 12 months ended March 31 is well above the industry average of 31 percent. Also, more than 50 percent of its assets are in global custody, the faster-growing segment of the business. That percentage is higher than at most competitors. Theriault credits the bank’s having only one technology platform for enabling it to expand into new businesses such as fund administration. “As we extend into new areas, our incremental costs are low,” Theriault explains. “We can add capabilities for clients and reward shareholders at the same time.”
北方信托表示,分配机约395美元ion to technology each year, far less than the $650 million reported by BNY Mellon and JPMorgan’s $600 million, but Theriault points out that the dollars spent on technology may be misleading because it costs less to maintain and expand a single, integrated platform than multiple systems. He says the airline industry provides an apt comparison. “United may be the biggest, but does it have scale?” he asks. “No, Southwest does. It uses one kind of airplane around the world. We use the Southwest model.”