第二队凯文麦卡锡BOFA Merrill Lynch.
第三队Jeffrey Zekauskas.J.P. Morgan
在过去三年之后,第三年在过去三年之后放大到第一个是P.J.Juvekar,42。The Citi analyst impressed investors with his March upgrade of Lubrizol Corp., at $25.38, saying that falling oil prices would lead to higher margins at the Wickliffe, Ohio–based manufacturer of lubricant additives. In July, after the stock had skyrocketed 125 percent, to $57.10, and outpaced the MSCI chemicals index by 76 percentage points, Juvekar downgraded it to neutral, as some of the company’s raw-materials providers were initiating price hikes. The downgrade was premature, however; Lubrizol’s shares continued to rise, gaining a further 11.6 percent through August. “He knows his space backwards and forwards,” cheers one investor. Juvekar earned an MBA in chemical engineering at Carnegie Mellon University’s Tepper School of Business in 1996, then joined Salomon Brothers (which was acquired by Citi in 1998) as an environmental services analyst; he switched to covering chemicals in 1999.
凯文麦卡锡从赛跑者跳到第二队。根据一个投资组合经理,Bofa Merrill Lynch Research分析师“是一个宝贵的信息来源 - 他提供了有用的见解,以便在空间中发生的事情以及为什么。”McCarthy恢复了Baton Rouge,路易斯安那州的Albemarle公司的覆盖范围,并在1月份的购买推荐,特种化学品制造商的配音股票价格为23.10美元。股票飙升39.5%至8月至32.23美元。
客户信用jeffrey zekauskas,他将一个梯级升至第三名,“易于访问”并“彻底了解化学品行业”。J.P.Morgan分析师升级Ashland,一家多元化的化工公司,总部位于肯塔基州Covington,肯塔基州的Covington,于4月份的超重,价格为10.33美元。Zekauskas认为,该股在沮丧的估值中交易,因为与其购买威尔明顿的金融风险,夸大了水处理化学品生产商,已经夸大了。亚什兰的股票在8月31日举办了255.1%至36.68美元。