



新政权将“更大的愿意达到判断公司正在运行的整体风险”,“特纳在伦敦的记者聚会中讲述了一系列。“密集监督”将增加大型机构的审查 - 从轻型监管环境中解放出来,帮助伦敦成为全球主要金融中心。FSA之前课程的缺陷在报告中承认的特纳师范都是哲学(相信市场是自我纠正的)和实用(允许监管机构将注意力引导对个别机构而不是整个部门)。通过严格的流动性规定,系统的风险将是对流动性的严格规则,策略观察员表示可以为其他国家的监管机构提供蓝图。"Dynamic capital adequacy requirements are a good starting point, since systemic problems arise when leverage mounts, and this is a way of dampening it," says Sir Andrew Large, deputy governor of the Bank of England until 2006 and chairman of the FSA’s predecessor, the Securities and Investment Board. By introducing countercyclical buffers on capital reserves and enforcing accounting standards that represent potential future losses when times are good, the FSA aims to battle banks’ temptation to use excess leverage.