
Citadel的Ken Griffin转向Patrik Edsparr

Kenneth Griffin转向Patrik Edsparr取代Rohit D'Souza。

在芝加哥的城堡投资小组没有谈判就很少发生肯尼斯格里芬,它的强烈的创始人和首席执行官。消息人士称,Rohit D'Souza的离开没有什么不同。前者在Merrill Lynch全球股票主管曾在一年前推出,以建立城堡证券,该公司的新投资银行和证券交易臂。In a letter to clients last month, sent shortly after the announcement that D’Souza would be leaving, Griffin said he is extremely pleased with the progress the business has made: "I am very proud of the work that has been accomplished by those running day-to-day operations."

既然建筑师的工作已经完成,因为城堡证券进入执行阶段,格里芬已经转向Citadel Europe总裁Patrik Edsparr,他们将从D'Souza接管。来自斯德哥尔摩经济学学院的MBA的EDSParr于去年从摩根大通蔡斯公司聘请的Citadel聘用,在那里他一直是全球专有交易负责人。
