
The Insider

Elliott Brody’s guilty plea tightens the noose of NY State's pay to play investigation.

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Private equity manager Elliott Broidy’s guilty plea in New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo’s investigation into allegations of corruption at the New York State Common Retirement Fund when it was under the watch of former State Comptroller Alan Hevesi is no small matter.

Broidy, whose links to Hevesi and involvement with public pension funds was chronicled in亚博赞助欧冠十月封面故事,“影子土地,“12月3日认罪,为纽约州议会办公室提供高级官员的利益。主要是洛杉矶的私募股权公司Markstone资本集团,正在与调查合作。他已同意支付1800万美元的费用,即在基金投资的金钱纽约普通的金融股;他也面临着长达四年的监狱。


To be clear: Hevesi has not been charged or named in any part of Cuomo’s investigation. People who know him say it’s possible he was not aware of the bribery and kickbacks alleged to be going on at the $126 billion New York state pension fund, for which he is the sole fiduciary.

It’s possible, though that scenario is looking less likely now.

Hevesi certainly was aware of Broidy. In “Shadow Lands,” we reported on how the close personal and political relationship between the two men (Broidy, through his wife, was a key political donor of Hevesi’s) may have led Hevesi to help his friend raise money from other public pension funds, including the California Public Employees’ Retirement System.

在文章冉后,布罗里斯发言人Jim McCarthy抱怨我们没有足够明确地说,一个公共官员在另一个公职官员的基金经理安排会议上没有违法。“Readers deserve to know, don’t they, that Mr. Broidy has been charged, sued, implicated or accused of precisely nothing — and also that he has declared full and good-faith cooperation with official inquiries,” McCarthy wrote me in an October 16 email.

为公共养老金基金提供贿赂是非法的 - 这正是与纽约共普通有关的六周内疚是令人犯的。在他的正式声明中承认非法付款时,Rroidy说:“至少有五个场合,在2003年4月或2006年4月或2006年6月之间,我前往以色列,并在一次到意大利,并高排名纽约州议会办公室的官员。与这些旅行有关,我在纽约州议员官员办公室的旅行费用中支付了至少75,000美元,以及一名官员成年儿童的费用。要隐藏这些付款,我通过慈善组织资助了一些费用,从而导致纽约国家议会办公室提交虚假发票。“


这是另一个有趣的皱纹。根据一个消息来源,在与纽约合作的人们认为,与纽约共同合作的人认为,至少部分负责将David Loglisci作为基金的替代替代品的工作,其中Loglisci于2003年1月被聘用,他后来被任命的Cio。Loglisci和Henry“Hank”莫里斯,政治手术和安置代理人被指控接受回扣,并于3月份由Cuomo的账例提供123美元的起诉书。他们正在等待审判。

有一个先前的loglisci-broidy连接。在Dot-Com繁荣期间,展示楼代理和货币经理Barrett Wissman.was raising capital for an Internet venture, e.Volve Technologies Group. Wissman had appointed his friend Stephen Loglisci to run the firm. Among eVolve’s eventual investors, according to Securities and Exchange Commission filings, were David Loglisci and Broidy. Wissman also co-founded the Dallas, Texas–based finance firm HFV Asset Management with money from New York Common and some other public funds, specifically the New Mexico State Investment Council. Wissman was the first person to plead guilty to giving kickbacks for funds from New York Common; he is also cooperating with the Cuomo investigation.

Rroidy还非法贡献300,000美元,以帮助资助电影Chooch,斯蒂芬Loglisci是一家生产者。在他的陈述中,布罗伊迪说他赐给了这笔钱“为了咖喱大卫洛尼斯队。”根据该国的持续诉讼,这部电影部分拍摄于新墨西哥,并获得了新的墨西哥税收抵免。私募股权公司Quadrangle Group Steven Rattner的联合创始人与Cuomo办公室达成了与Cuomo办公室的解决方案,也在这一整个共同的基金炖,也投资于Chooch,私募股权公司Riverstone Holdings的合作伙伴。

纽约、新墨西哥、加州——相同的状态keep turning up in the pay-to-play investigation. It is becoming increasingly clear that the whole drama around placement agents is a side show. At the center of the scandal are the people at public pension funds, or with control over public pension funds, looking to exploit the system for their own gain, and the managers who want that business.

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