


斯坦利污水仍然是一个热门的商品。虽然伦敦替代投资公司曼集团的前副主席和首席执行官 - 最大的对冲基金资金最大的基金 - 在过去的夏天取得了坚定的努力,他的朋友不会让他失望。从对冲基金公司大而小,粉末,51,突然放弃了他的计划成为一名全职慈善家,并将自己扔回公司战斗中,因为金融危机变得更糟。

9月中旬,Fink Resurfaced担任伦敦国际标准资产管理的新款式首席执行官,该公司是一家专门从事黄金和全球宏观策略的商品贸易公司。

首席执行官是融资的熟悉的冠军,他在他21年的七年中佩戴了它,但ISAM的业务的规模是他留下的全球行动中的一个远远哭泣。这适合柔软的口语,令人掌声的行政长官。Fink, who survived treatment for a brain tumor four years ago, was intrigued by the opportunity to help a small, highly successful firm develop its business strategy, and he wasn’t interested in running another huge company — Man had $67.6 billion in assets under management at the end of the third quarter and a global staff of 1,800 (the firm ran just $4.7 billion when Fink became CEO in 2000). ISAM, with a comparatively paltry $200 million in assets and 17 employees, seemed a perfect match. Founded in 2003 by Roy Sher, a proprietary trader who had worked for Merrill Lynch & Co. and hedge fund outfit GLG Partners, the firm, then called International Standard Cayman Management, initially prospered by trading gold futures. Then, about 18 months ago, Sher and his business partner, Alan Amler, moved to capitalize on dislocations in the global markets by designing a new fund, the International Standard Macro Fund, to trade in the largest futures markets: foreign exchange, equities and commodities.

虽然ISAM的资金做得很好 - 它的黄金基金在过去五年中已经在年度返回的年度收益率为17%,而且其宏基基金今年11月份上涨了7% - 该公司在机构市场仍然很大程度上是未知的。今年夏天和amler寻求一些重量级援助,以获得更广泛的受众,并招募了一位前劳动党筹款者作为该公司的主席。Levy打电话给福利,一位亲密的朋友,征求他对公司及其合作伙伴的看法。Fink让征收热情的评论。不久之后,谁和amler招募了Fink来运营公司。


ISAM运行高度多元化,紧密控制的策略。与许多对冲基金同行不同,该公司不利用其使用的贸易工具,这限制了其对投资银行的依赖。Best of all, Fink says, ISAM’s use of futures and forward contracts frees up its cash and has helped mitigate the worst of the counterparty risks plaguing the industry: "At ISAM we have also eliminated the risk of having to pay for leverage and needing counterparties to provide it, because we simply don’t use it."

ISAM具有另一个优势:因为它交易管理期货,只需要一小部分客户资本来取职位。约10%的投资资产均予以满足初始保证金要求;另外10%被留出来,以帮助保护基金免受市场波动,其余部分被置于宿舍账户中。什么融合描述了ISAM资本的固有灵活性和深度现在旨在帮助公司开发保证资本保存的产品 - 目前市场上没有卑鄙。
