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固定收益业务的公司首席财务官are always pressing to shave a few extra basis points off their interest rates, Therese Esperdy has a difficult message for borrowers: Don’t quibble about the cost, just get the deal done.

Esperdy,48,JPMORGAN Chase&Co.的全球债务资本市场负责人在罗氏汇率融资的468亿美元的468亿美元中发挥了关键作用。Her team at JPMorgan was part of a syndicate of banks that helped underwrite a record $16.5 billion package of notes and bonds in the U.S. The debt was issued in February, when credit markets were beginning to revive after a near total shutdown in late 2008. Given market conditions and the size of the transactions, Esperdy couldn’t be sure that the deal would go through. So she advised the Basel, Switzerland–based pharmaceuticals giant to focus on getting it done, even if that meant offering a big premium to investors. Roche paid 345 basis points above comparable U.S. Treasury yields on the ten-year tranche of its issue; by comparison, Pfizer paid 325 basis points over Treasuries on a $3.25 billion issue of ten-year notes in March. “This is not a time to fight about basis points,” Esperdy told management. “Look at the larger impact of getting the deal done. Be in a position to take advantage of opportunities.”

该驱动器在信用市场最具挑战性期间的一个人的生活记忆中,这次驱动器帮助esperdy的团队占据市场份额。据Apporicic称,该银行于2009年第一季度在全球债务资本市场排名第一。这是从2008年落后于美国银行的第2号。2008年。在1月份,JPMORGAN曾担任ANHEUSER-BUSCH INEV的50亿美元债券的赛跑者。下一个月,除了在罗氏套餐上工作,诺威州的卫生保健产品公司诺华有联合主持人。

联赛顶部的崛起表12年的努力为esperdy。她是雷曼兄弟控股的一颗冉冉升起的明星,运行金融机构的债务资本市场,当时曼哈顿银行于1997年召唤。当时,追逐是贷款联合的领导者,但不是债券业务的力量。Esperdy说,她抓住了“从地上建造债务资本市场的机会”。她说服了追逐贷款小组让她与客户建立会议,以便她可以发展业务。感谢她的Spadework - 2000年创建了JPMORGAN Chase&Co.的合并 - 该团队从十到70名银行家长大,在美国和30岁的欧洲。eSperdy,谁经常避开她的办公室在交易楼层座位上,她的时间与企业助理者一起开展业务。

距离Esperdy的雷姆曼的前同事詹姆斯特·特纳在BNP Paribas的债务资本市场上,回忆起,即使她没有玩游戏,她曾经坚持的是曾经加入了雷曼高尔夫球场。“她不希望别人和她的客户一起,”他说。作为esperdy把它放了,“我的信心没有问题。”



Citing weak economic fundamentals, Esperdy warns that the credit markets haven’t seen the worst of the financial crisis, the current rally notwithstanding. “Things are changing rapidly, and clients must take market variability into account,” she says.
