When Raj Rajaratnam, the founder of New York–based hedge fund firm Galleon Group, and five others were arrested by the FBI and charged by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York in connection with an insider trading investigation, the immediate response within the hedge fund community was one of shock — followed immediately by fear.
对于对冲基金,2008年撞车前的熊市的崛起是拥挤的交易,回报压力增加以及信息的快速传播 - 所有这些都在竞争中仍然变得越来越困难。
与律师事务所的合作伙伴和前部队执法官员的合伙人Jahan Raissi表示,SEC的案件“往往是相当削减和干燥”。鉴于这项调查,Raissi表示,许多对冲基金已经增加了他们的努力,以确保他们留在法律的右侧 - 一旦避免与他们投资的公司的管理完全相同。智力聚集,似乎,刚刚变得更加困难。