
"Out of this turmoil a healthy and vibrant market will emerge," declared Fang Xinghai, director general of Shanghai’s Financial Services Office, the local regulator that helps oversee the Shanghai Stock Exchange alongside the China Securities Regulatory Commission, at an investment conference in the city in November.
基准的沪深300指数300领先ing companies on the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges, has suffered one of the worst falls of any major market in the developed or developing world over the past 15 months. The index was down 68 percent from its October 2007 peak, to 1,862 in late December, after having traded as low as 1,606. The sharp decline has curtailed capital-raising: Chinese companies pulled in a total of $14.9 billion through initial public offerings of stock in the first 11 months of 2008, down 73 percent from the same period a year earlier, according to Beijing-based research firm Zero2IPO Research Center.
股市疲软也反映了全球金融危机的蔓延,有效地揭穿了中国市场与发达国家趋势脱钩的观点。法国巴黎银行证券(亚洲)驻北京高级中国经济学家孟国伟(Isaac Meng)解释说,中国投资者“每天早上醒来都会看到全球恐慌性抛售”,这不可避免地影响了市场情绪你不能再仅仅因为外国投资者的进入有限就认为中国A股股票市场是一个封闭的市场。”
近几个月来,随着美国和欧洲经济陷入衰退,中国对全球贸易放缓的脆弱性凸显出来。经济增长急剧减速,中国11月出口实际同比下降2.2%,为9年来最大降幅。高盛(Goldman,Sachs&Co.)日本以外亚洲地区首席经济学家迈克尔•布坎南(Michael Buchanan)预测,中国经济增长率将从2008年的8.9%降至今年的6%;这将远低于当局认为为每年约2000万进入劳动力市场的工人创造就业所必需的8%,政府经济顾问余永定表示在中国,9%的经济增长等同于经济衰退,”他在巴黎银行证券(bnpparibassecurities)最近在杭州举办的一次会议上对投资者表示。
Chinese authorities have reversed policy swiftly since the summer in a bid to stimulate the economy, and analysts say the moves should provide indirect support to the stock market. The central bank has eased monetary policy aggressively since September, slashing its benchmark lending rate five times by a total of 2.16 points, to 5.31 percent, and cutting reserve requirements four times.
"The very large headline number on the stimulus package is basically just a banner telling people that the government intends to do whatever it takes to support growth," says Arthur Kroeber, managing director of Beijing-based Dragonomics Research & Advisory. "The details will be invented later."
在中国,经济增长、企业盈利和股票价格之间往往没有什么直接关联。相反,花旗集团(Citigroup)首席亚洲经济学家黄一平(Huang Yiping)指出,原始市场情绪通常在推动市场方面发挥更大的作用。在上海上市的A股平均市盈率在2007年10月达到历史高点72倍,但由于股价下跌以及过去一年大部分时间企业盈利增长稳健,截至2008年底,这一市盈率已降至15倍左右。摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase&Co.)中国股市董事长李晶(Jing Ulrich)表示,市场最近受到围绕北京财政刺激计划的乐观情绪以及对美国股市已触底的希望的提振。不过,企业盈利已开始下滑;在上涨后,第三季度较上年同期下降13.1%2008年上半年为16%。
Beyond the macro pump priming, the authorities have taken specific measures to support equities. In September the government eliminated the country’s 0.1 percent stamp duty on stock purchases and ordered China Investment Corp., the nation’s $200 billion sovereign wealth fund, to buy more shares of state banks in which it already holds majority stakes.
China has also begun to move ahead with some long-awaited reforms that bankers believe will strengthen the stock market over time. In October the China Securities Regulatory Commission announced that it would allow a few securities firms to begin trading on margin and shorting stocks. Haitong Securities Co., China’s largest brokerage firm by market value, announced in November that it would lend about 4 billion yuan in a pilot margin trading program. Analysts expect that the authorities will give a similar green light to Citic Securities Co., Guotai Junan Securities Co. and Everbright Securities Co. The regulator has set the margin requirement at 50 percent of the purchase price of eligible securities, notes JPMorgan’s Jing.
Supporters of market liberalization remain enthusiastic about Beijing’s continuing to loosen trading rules, albeit at a slower pace. The measure on margin trading "shows China’s dedication to financial reforms," Fang asserted at the Shanghai conference. Gong Shaolin, chairman of China Merchants Securities Co., echoed that sentiment at the same event. "We hope margin trading will be successfully implemented," he said. "It’s important we proceed with reforms, as it is only through reforms that we can evolve to a higher stage after this global crisis is over."
银行家和分析师还预计,中国政府将在今年晚些时候或2010年推出股指期货,这一重大进展将首次允许投资者对冲其多头投资组合,或以低成本方式增加股票敞口。为迎接这一举措,中国金融期货交易所(China Financial Futures Exchange)一直在进行沪深300指数期货原型的模拟交易。
不过,在过去两年里,政府一直在缓慢地将一些不可交易的股票转让给这些公司自己。据中国股票市场的主要数据提供商Wind信息(香港)首席执行官Roy Wang说,到目前为止,它已经移动了大约34%的非流通股,并将把剩余的大部分转移到2009和2010。
"Nontradable share reforms are being implemented and we believe it will be less and less of an issue in the coming few years," says John Li, the international business officer of China Asset Management Co., China’s largest fund company, with 210 billion yuan under management as of June 2008.
总部位于香港的马可波罗纯资产管理公司(Marco Polo Pure Asset Management)拥有1亿美元资产,该公司首席执行官亚伦•博斯基(Aaron Boesky)也持同样的乐观态度我们正处于中国股市面临的最大挑战的尾声,”他表示。未交易股票的过剩“明显没有那么大的威胁”
分析师表示,大多数公司出于战略目的持有这些股票,不太可能出售这些股票,至少在目前的环境下是这样上海基金研究公司Z-benadvisors的创始人兼首席执行官彼得•亚历山大(Peter Alexander)表示:“许多公司今后将把这些大宗股票作为并购的货币,尤其是在股价上涨的时候。”。
中国政府还在为国有银行的进一步私有化做准备,向两家大银行注入现金,以注销不良贷款,并为它们上市做好准备。今年10月,中国投资公司(chinainvestmentcorp.)向中国国家开发银行(chinadevelopment Bank)提供了200亿美元,后者是向正在转型为商业银行的国有企业提供政策性贷款的银行,并向中国农业银行(agriculturalbankofchina)提供了另外200亿美元。
然而,鉴于市场状况以及美国和欧洲政府一直在接管银行和经纪公司的事实,私有化的步伐可能会很慢。”前中国国务院副总理吴仪的前助手、驻北京的证券律师关安平(Guan Anping)指出:“多年来,美国人一直在推动我们私有化,现在他们正在将世界上一些最大的银行和保险公司国有化。”批评中国政府私有化计划的人将以此为借口攻击那些领导私有化的官员。私有化的步伐可能会放缓,但不会停止。”
Z-Ben’s Alexander agrees that the financial crisis may retard market reforms in China but does not believe it will deter policymakers from eventual liberalization. "I think senior leaders will just wait for the dust to settle before they move on in the same direction," he says. "Everything in China has been one step forward — pause — and one step forward — pause again — but never two steps forward and two steps back."
即使中国继续推行市场改革,股市快速复苏仍面临许多经济障碍。总部位于北京的经纪公司中国国际资本公司(China International capital Corp.)首席经济学家哈继明指出,中国需要像美国一样迫切地调整经济结构,以维持长期经济增长,恢复资本市场的健康。中国领导层经常征求哈继明的意见。
The stock market would also get a boost if the government stopped giving state-owned, Communist Party–linked companies preferential treatment, including such benefits as easier access to public listings on Chinese exchanges, analysts and economists say. The overwhelming majority of the companies listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges are spin-offs of state-owned companies, notwithstanding the fact that private businesses now generate as much as 70 percent of China’s gross domestic product.
巴黎银行(BNP PARIABAS Securities,亚洲)中国和香港股票研究主管Erwin Sanft说:“国有企业一般不太关注股东回报。”它们由非利益相关者的管理层管理。他们往往非常保守。”