


David Adelman.

David Adelman.摩根士丹利


第三队克里斯汀·芬兰BOFA Merrill Lynch.

摩根士丹利’s David Adelman, in the winner’s circle for a seventh straight year, “is quite possibly the most thoughtful and insightful tobacco analyst,” declares one client, noting that Adelman’s coverage of Altria Group’s dispute with the Internal Revenue Service, detailed in a May report, was “especially compelling.” Although Adelman, 42, maintained his long-standing equal-weight rating on the Richmond, Virginia–based cigarette manufacturer’s stock, he highlighted the potential downside risks Altria faced in seeking a return of $24 million in taxes and interest it paid after the IRS disallowed deductions the company took for lease-in/lease-out and sale-in/lease-out tax shelters. In July a federal jury rejected Altria’s claim; as of late August the company was still considering whether to appeal the ruling. Altria’s stock surged 28.6 percent year-to-date through August; during the same period the sector gained 10.7 percent.


克里斯汀·芬萨斯将一个陷入困境。1月份,Bofa Merrill分析师重申她在Philip Morris International的购买评分,于2008年3月推荐,提高了纽约公司的盈利。股票于8月份迄今为止增长了7.9%。

