

由35岁的新人托马兹•沃尔科维奇(Tomasz Walkowicz)率领的瑞银七强团队去年未进入排行榜,与去年排名第二、拥有12名分析师的联合信贷全球研究(UniCredit Global Research)团队一起跻身冠军之列。






    由35岁的新人托马兹•沃尔科维奇(Tomasz Walkowicz)率领的瑞银七强团队去年未进入排行榜,与去年排名第二、拥有12名分析师的联合信贷全球研究(UniCredit Global Research)团队一起跻身冠军之列。一位在伦敦和苏黎世工作的瑞银分析师的粉丝宣称:“当事情发生时,他们会及时通知我。”去年发生了很多事情,全球经济动荡对中欧造成了严重破坏,导致捷克共和国股市下跌41.7%,匈牙利股市下跌58.5%,波兰股市下跌47.2%。该团队很多最成功的判断都是看跌,比如2008年1月,出于对管理层的担忧,建议将波兰石化制造商Polski Koncern Naftowy Orlen的股票以50.55 złoty的价格卖出。截至2009年1月,该股下跌55.7%,至Zł22.40。沃尔科维奇2006年在巴塞罗那纳瓦拉大学IESE商学院获得MBA学位,去年从惠誉国际评级(Fitch Ratings)跳槽到瑞银,担任中欧银行的信贷分析师。联合信贷银行任命前联席领导马克•罗宾逊为其新兴市场股票策略师后,该银行团队目前由Tomasz Bardziłowski单独领导。(罗宾逊的球队在Equity Strategy中排名第三。)据一位买方称,该集团在布达佩斯、伦敦、布拉格和华沙都设有办事处,提供了该地区“最广泛和最深入的”覆盖。分析师们在波兰付费电视运营商Cyfrowy Polsat 5月份首次公开发行(ipo)时,以强劲的增长前景为由,对该公司给出了买入建议。 By the end of January, the stock had surged 17.0 percent, compared with the broad market’s 46.5 percent plunge. Falling from first place to third is the nine-analyst ING Equity Markets crew guided by Andrzej Knigawka and Janos Kocsi. Headquartered in Budapest and Warsaw, the team told investors to sell Polish engineering firm Polimex Mostostal in September, at Zł5.64, anticipating a slowdown in construction. The stock slid to Zł2.70 by mid-January, and the analysts upgraded it to hold. It closed the month at Zł2.47.



    第二队哈伊姆以色列和团队美银 - 美林


    New team leader Darren Shaw, 38, pilots the UBS quartet from third place to its first appearance in the winner’s circle since 2006. In August the Herzliya, Israel–based team upgraded defense-electronics manufacturer Elbit Systems to buy, at 18,710.00 shekels, largely on valuation. By the end of January, the share price had slipped to 18,300.00 shekels, a loss of 2.2 percent that paled in comparison to the broad market’s 20.4 percent plunge during the same period. Shaw, who earned a bachelor’s degree in economics at the U.K.’s University of Manchester, joined UBS in 2006 after ten years as a construction analyst with Dresdner Kleinwort. “I can call him up on any situation, and he’s always up-to-date and always has a handle on how the market looks,” declares one of Shaw’s satisfied clients. For the past two years, Haim Israel had the top spot all to himself; this year the Banc of America Securities–Merrill Lynch analyst leads a two-member team to the No. 2 position. Israel also heads the No. 2 team in Chemicals. Clients praise the Tel Aviv–based duo’s “honest assessment of the market” and skill at “looking at politics and the geopolitical environment’s impact on stocks.” In June the team upgraded Teva Pharmaceutical Industries from neutral to buy, at 14,900.00 shekels, on strong cash flow and stable growth. By the end of January, the stock had surged 9.2 percent, to 16,720.00 shekels. Although they drop a notch to No. 3, the Deutsche Bank trio conducted by Daniel Harverd continues to impress investors with “detailed think pieces” and “actionable trading ideas.” One example: the Tel Aviv–based team’s October 2007 upgrade from hold to buy on Bezeq Israeli Telecommunication Corp., citing the cellular phone service provider’s cost-cutting initiatives. Through January 2009 the stock outperformed the MSCI Israel index by 20.4 percentage points.



    在这个新的领域排在首位的首次亮相是在11强汇丰银行队由总部位于伦敦的威廉·曼努埃尔引导。在开罗,迪拜和利雅得的办公室,团队涵盖八个国家55股。去年被证明是在该地区两个市场的故事。2008年上半年,能源价格上涨在许多中东国家推动股市反弹,因投资者寻求信贷危机在西方展开赚钱的机会和避风港。在下半年,油价开始暴跌并拖累市场下跌与他们;在MSCI阿拉伯市场指数结束了一年下来高达54.8个百分点。通过这一切,汇丰团队保持通知客户快速移动的:“我们需要的建议,每次,他们提供了良好的洞察力,”一个感激买入代尔说。获奖通话去年的分析师包括一个降级月对迪拜金融市场表现不佳,在落客业务在阿联酋证券交易所的期待,因为战战兢兢的投资者撤出资金波斯湾国家。到一月底,有股价暴跌73.4个百分点。Manuel, 39, who earned a bachelor’s degree in management science from the U.K.’s University of Manchester in 1991, worked as a leisure analyst at Merrill Lynch before joining HSBC in 2000. No team earned enough votes to warrant publication of a second or third place.





    赛跑者卡伦Kostanian,奥迪尔兰格Broussy与团队美银美林;雅罗斯拉夫Lissovolik,米哈伊尔·谢列兹尼奥夫和团队德国;彼得·威斯汀及团队摩根大通(J.P. Morgan);阿列克谢莫罗佐夫,梅德维诺格拉多夫和团队瑞银

    在顶部的第八个年头的运行是由罗兰·纳什,谁也导致了排名第一的球队在股票策略指导22名成员组成的Renaissance Capital的力量。在莫斯科的分析师“以及连接和了解这个国家的政治,”观察一个靠山。在去年上半年对俄罗斯的正确看涨 - 俄罗斯交易系统指数上涨8.6%,至五月中旬暴跌之前 - 在下半场转动的团队,告诉客户在7月份重挫油价和政府调查涉嫌价格-fixing at steel producer Mechel would bring an abrupt end to Russia’s reputation as a safe haven for investors seeking refuge from the worldwide credit crisis. They were right: The RTS index ended the year down an eye-popping 72.4 percent. On individual stock recommendations, the analysts were far less astute. “We didn’t do very well in making predictions for 2008 — I think it was more the honesty with which we admitted our mistakes that clients appreciated,” says Nash, 36. The 31 analysts on the Troika Dialog team co-led by Evgeny Gavrilenkov and Paolo Zaniboni jump from runner-up to second place. Prized for what one investor calls “a good nose for policies that the Kremlin is likely to pursue,” the Moscow-based team reiterated its buy recommendation on the global depositary receipts of KazMunaiGas Exploration Production in October, at $13.75, reasoning that the shares were trading “like a distressed asset.” Although the GDRs initially sank, falling to $10.10 in November, they have since begun to rebound and closed January at $12.70. The 14-analyst UniCredit Global Research squad repeats in third place. Co-captained by Julia Bushueva in Moscow and Benjamin Carey in London, the team presents “the facts that lead investors to draw their own conclusions,” notes one client. A slowing economy and asset-quality deterioration prompted the team to issue sell recommendations on a pair of Russian financial institutions, VTB Bank and Vozrozhdenie Bank, in July. Through January the stocks tumbled 83.0 and 78.9 percent, respectively.






    Andrew Cuffe飞行员19分析师J.P.摩根证券中队向第二次连续第一次完成。基于约翰内斯堡的研究人员从一笔货币经理获得掌声,以“他们对当地市场的洞察力以及他们对经济逆风的理解”。那些风在南非的股市遭到虐待,但是袖口,42岁,他的同事们在7月份向投资者告诉投资者,粮食零售商将天气天气。在本公司中,他们推荐的是超市运营商Shoprite Holdings,该控股是飙升的36.3%,远远超过该期间的广泛市场的17.1%。“他们做了一个令人印象深刻的分析,”一个背包欢呼。瑞银的十大团队由John Slettevold队在第二年举行的第二年,提供了一个热情的投资者称之为“在南非零售商的长期历史角度,特别是为启发性的人。”盈利,如约翰内斯堡团队的六月升级在食品和饮料经销商AVI上购买,这一呼叫所证明的是,在1,265.00兰德被称为讨价还价。1月初,股票飙升64.4%至2,080.00兰特,分析师将其降级为估值。它在1月底收于1,949.00兰特。麦格理股票QUINTET由Julian Wenzel指导的第三名。 The researchers “not only do a good job linking the supply in South Africa with the demand in China but, adding in London, give you the global picture,” explains one portfolio manager. The Johannesburg-based team initiated coverage of Grindrod in December with an outperform rating, on strong growth prospects for the shipping and freight transportation provider. By the end of January, the stock had sailed ahead of the sector by 28.5 percentage points.


    迈克尔·哈里斯和球队美银 - 美林



    亚军Cüneyt Demirgüres &团队efg eurobank.

    瑞星一个梯级要求第七次冠在过去8年中,美国银行证券 - 美林四重奏的迈克尔·哈里斯为首的美银“确实找到便宜的股票的一个好工作”,称一个客户端。One example is the Istanbul- and London-based team’s yearlong outperform rating on Bim Birles¸ik Magˇazalar, “on the strength of its business model,” says Harris, 39. Shares of the discount retailer outpaced the sector by 26.3 percentage points and the broad market by 43.9 percentage points in 2008. In September the analysts downgraded Asya Katılım Bankası to underperform, citing concerns over the bank’s liquidity. By the end of January, the stock had plunged 50.2 percent, against a sector loss of 45.7 percent. “I’ve been particularly impressed by their work on the financial sector, which is 50 percent of the action in the local market,” observes one money manager. Shooting straight in at No. 2 is the previously unranked J.P. Morgan Securities foursome overseen by Marianna Kozintseva, a former Bear, Stearns & Co. analyst who joined the firm after JPMorgan Chase & Co. acquired Bear Stearns Cos. last spring; New York–based Kozintseva left J.P. Morgan in January. The team launched coverage of telecommunications services provider Türk Telekomunikasyon in December with a buy rating, at 3.46 Turkish lira, on valuation. Through January the stock had surged 23.1 percent, to Tl4.26. “These analysts provide interesting investment ideas,” notes one buy-sider. The six-strong Deutsche Bank team, captained since June by newcomer Serhan Gok following the departure of Idil Dagdelen, drops from first place to third but retains an avid following. “They not only follow mainstream names, but have also done very good work on a variety of smaller business,” observes one money manager. The Istanbul-based team publishes Idealog, a revolving list of preferred stock calls that last year included iron and steel manufacturer Eregˇli Demir ve Çelik Fabrikalari, industrial construction outfit Tekfen Holding, and mobile phone operator Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri, among others; the model portfolio returned 13.5 percent in 2008, according to Gok.




    新任领导威尔弗雷德•威王(Wilfred Willwong)带领十名成员的复兴资本(Renaissance Capital)团队连续第二年蝉联冠军。一位长期客户称赞这个总部位于基辅的团队发表了“为机构投资者量身定制的研究报告,而其他券商更倾向于散户投资者”。亚博赞助欧冠乌克兰是全球经济衰退最严重的受害者之一——截至1月31日的12个月里,基准的PFTS指数持续下跌了74.9%——但即便如此,RenCap团队还是能够为客户找到赚钱的机会。去年11月,分析师重申了长期以来对Motor Sich的买入建议,即258.00格里夫尼的估值。整个1月份,这家飞机引擎制造商的股价飙升46.5%,达到378.00格里夫尼。36岁的威王1996年在英国兰开斯特大学(University of Lancaster)获得金融硕士学位,2007年加入RenCap之前曾在霸菱资产管理公司(Barings Asset Management)担任资金经理;他在12月离开了公司。由安德烈·别斯皮亚托夫率领的13强巨龙资本队已经连续两年稳居第二。基金经理们称赞这个总部位于基辅的团队的“良好的战略报告”和“在市场上的影响力”。该集团过去一年最成功的呼吁包括,由于大宗商品价格普遍下跌,尤其是煤炭价格下跌,该集团在10月份下调了Komsomolets Donbasa Coal Mine的出售评级。 By the end of January, the share price had dropped 35.4 percent and trailed the broad market by 54.3 percentage points. No firm received sufficient votes to merit a third-place ranking.

