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Bubble Trouble

Is the U.S. Treasury Market About to Pop?

When Elisabeth Kübler-Ross penned her 1973 bookOn Death and Dying- 这将五个阶段识别为拒绝,愤怒,讨价还价,抑郁和接受的五个阶段 - 她担心癌症患者及其所爱的人,而不是看着金融崩溃感染世界经济和流血数的震惊疲劳投资者的心理从他们的储蓄和投资组合中。




"Bubbles are always caused by cheap and ample credit. If so, then the next bubble will be in Big Government, since the Treasury is able to borrow huge sums at near-zero interest rates," independent economist and investment strategist Edward Yardeni warned in a December 15 letter to clients.


That would be disastrous, possibly leading to an Argentina-like default at the national level. In fact, the price of credit default swaps on Treasury debt has increased, indicating that investors are taking the possibility of a U.S. government default more seriously. The price of a CDS on a five-year Treasury note was 67 basis points on December 19, up from 6.8 basis points at the beginning of 2008. That’s higher than the cost of insuring other sovereign debt. A CDS on Japanese government debt is about 40 basis points, up from 20 basis points at the beginning of 2008. Insurance on French and German debt is cheaper than U.S. insurance as well.

Determined to revive a deeply troubled economy, the U.S. government has extended bailouts that could top $4 tril-

lion, according to Mustafa Chowdhury, head of U.S. rates strategy at Deutsche Bank. The Treasury has already spent $350 billion through the Troubled Asset Relief Program and an additional $48 billion on the purchase of mortgage-backed securities, he says. It could spend an additional $350 billion through TARP, a vehicle for buying up illiquid securities. The Federal Reserve is enmeshed in $3 trillion worth of bailouts for a critical list that runs the gamut from insurer American International Group to the market for commercial paper, Chowdhury says.


经济学的基本规律告诉我们产品的价格应该随着供应增加而下降。但是,财政市场并不是那种方式。财政部价格飙升得多,而朝着相反的方向发展,它们的收益率降至历史记录低供应量。例如,在12月24日,财政部拍卖了五年的T账单,历史低产1.54%,每年从3.65%下降。拍卖会提高了令人惊叹的280亿美元,2007年的可比拍卖的两倍。怎么样?在金融机构和全球经济衰退的信心崩溃已经强迫投资者寻找避风港的现金,而美国国债仍被视为终极避风港。"The U.S. government’s fiscal initiatives should be pushing Treasury yields higher. At the same time, there’s a global flight-to-quality trade, because the risk premium globally is increasing. In the tug of war between these two forces, so far the risk-premium trade is winning," Chowdhury says, adding that the current market dynamic is unsustainable.


Yet some say the Treasury market can avoid a similar fate: It’s backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, which has the power to print money to pay off its debts. In normal times, that would be a recipe for inflation. It appears to be avoiding that problem for now, because other markets around the world have fared even worse than the U.S. has. The stock market in Shanghai has fallen more than 60 percent, Chowdhury notes. As long as the U.S. fares better, investors will favor dollar-denominated assets, and Treasuries in particular, keeping inflation low, according to Chowdhury.

“但一旦救助起到一个抛砖引玉的兴趣rates are going to rise" because of inflationary fears, Chowdhury explains. In fact, the yield curve already is steepening, a sign that investors have longer-term worries about inflation. The yield on the 30-year bond rose to 2.98 percent on January 5, up from a record low of 2.52 percent just three weeks earlier. If interest rates surge during 2009, they could flatten the economy just as it is struggling to get back on its feet, prolonging and deepening the recession. As bad as the downturn feels, the recovery might be worse.

span for keeping rates too low for too long, to Wall Street CEOs for tossing out false assurances, to short-sellers for betting that things would get worse. "People were seeing things they’ve never seen before, and they were trying to figure out the world, but they couldn’t," says Meir Statman, who teaches finance at Santa Clara University in California.

讨价还价以救助人士的形式和信念,即政府的现金注入,基础设施支出和0%的利率实际上可能是船舶。This desperate clinging to hope for a quick turnaround led to a nausea-inducing rollercoaster ride in the stock markets in the last quarter of 2008 and sent the Chicago Board Options Exchange’s volatility index, known as the VIX or "fear gauge," which usually hovers in the teens and 20s, to well above 80.


Some people are stuck in depression, but Statman says most have moved on to acceptance. "People see that the money is gone and that it’s time to let go. They realize they are in this new world now, they’ve sustained this loss, and they’re saying, ‘I can’t let it dominate my life anymore, I have to find practical solutions.’"

As if on cue, the VIX index, which measures the cost of using options to insure against big drops in the Standard and Poor’s 500 index, dipped below 40 in early January. "There is a sense we’ve moved away from panic and into calm," says Statman. "The fundamentals aren’t better but I think there’s a feeling that all the shoes dropped, which really says that sometimes, just not having bad news is good news."