
Rebuilding a Franchise

Jim Renwick决心将UBS恢复到欧洲股票发行人的顶级。

Jim Renwick拥有丰富的第一手体验,有苦恼的情况。他的投资银行业职业生涯差点于1989年初步结束,当时Citicorp向STANCH重型损失,其英国经纪子公司的股票业务,Scrimgeour Vickers Securities,并撤销伦威克,然后是一名实习生。

More recently, he spent a year trying to revive troubled U.K. small-cap brokerage firm Bridgewell Group, first as head of capital markets, then as CEO, before selling it in May 2007 at the knockdown price of £60.3 million (then worth $119.4 million) to Iceland’s Landsbanki. That bank was taken over by the government in October after the collapse of Iceland’s banking sector.


澳大利亚财政部经济学家的儿子和聋儿教师,瑞克在瑞银度过了更好的职业生涯。After leaving Scrimgeour he took a job in the equity capital markets division at SG Warburg — he won over the division’s boss, Rory Tapner, now the chief executive of UBS Asia Pacific, by saying he had been turned down by Warburg’s merchant bankers, jokingly blaming that fact on his having worn ill-chosen argyle socks. He initially worked on many of the British government’s water and energy privatizations. UBS bought Warburg in 1995 and two years later made Renwick head of U.K. capital markets. He was promoted to head of European equity capital markets three years later and in 2004 was named chairman of corporate broking, a post in which he offered capital markets advice to such chieftains as Sir Christopher Gent, former CEO of mobile phone giant Vodafone; Henri de Castries, chief executive of Europe’s second-largest insurer, AXA; and Stephen Hester, former CEO of British Land who, since November, has held the chief executive post at Royal Bank of Scotland. Renwick pushed UBS toward the top of the league tables; the bank ranked second among European equity book runners in 2006, handling 74 deals worth $22.3 billion, trailing JP Morgan, which handled deals worth $22.7 billion, according to London-based data provider Dealogic.



Renwick素有满嘴的of advice CEOs don’t always like to hear. “Renwick was an advocate of the need for a massive capital raising at RBS early in the year, when management still wanted to avoid that,” notes a rival banker. “When it became clear that Renwick was right, he got the mandate.” UBS didn’t get league table credit for the £15 billion ($22 billion) November rights issue because it ended up being underwritten by the U.K. government.
