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主权财富基金Embrace Hedge Funds

Sovereign wealth funds are beginning to see compelling new opportunities in hedge funds.

新加坡的淡马锡持股 - 就像很多主权财富基金 - 自从两年前危机爆发以来,努力应对金融市场的波动。该基金在美国 - 美林干酪和巴克莱银行购买了Chunky Stakes,只能在今年早些时候销售估计55亿美元的损失。当它通过招募高调外国首席执行官,查尔斯(芯片)Goodyear来招募它的管理层时,淡马锡也遭受了令人尴尬的失败,只能在7月份在采取工作之前看到前BHP Billiton首席执行官的战略差异。

Those setbacks, however, haven’t stopped Temasek from diversifying its investment strategy. In March, at a time when hedge funds were reeling from billions of dollars in outflows, the subsidiary that oversees the sovereign wealth fund’s hedge fund investments announced a major new commitment to the beleaguered sector. It was particularly keen to allocate to managed futures, equity strategies and compelling new opportunities arising from the dislocation in global credit markets. Soon thereafter, in July, Ho said that Temasek might begin inviting “sophisticated” investors to co-invest with the fund. And in August, Temasek revised its charter, affirming its intent to invest on commercial principles. The sovereign wealth fund also dropped language describing itself as a company that manages the government’s investments for the long-term benefit of Singapore and disclosed that it would be prepared to list some of its largest domestic holdings if they failed to provide solid growth opportunities.

在对冲基金前沿,新加坡对北方的巨大邻居正在制作类似的班次。6月份,中国投资公司的顾问菲利克斯·蔡某管理了2000亿美元的国家庞大的外汇储备,告诉摩纳哥的会议与会者,该基金旨在利用其战争胸来投资对冲基金战略。7月底,尽管在Blackstone Group在Blackstone集团的对冲基金业务分配了5亿美元,但CIC良好的承诺使其良好的承诺,尽管遭受了大量的损失 - 并在家里的不受欢迎的批评 - 在其替代资产经理的30亿美元投资之后,于2007年完成,价值下降。It’s just one of many hedge fund investments that CIC is likely to make in the coming years as it deploys its massive holdings — a huge chunk of which is still held in cash or cash-equivalent products — into higher-risk, higher-return assets.

这些几乎不会被隔离移动。伦敦的投资研究公司预票,最近调查了55个主权财富基金,发现38%的投资或正在考虑投资对冲基金。超过四分之一的这些基金 - 包括CIC和韩国投资公司,其中监督了270亿美元 - 尽可能最近在两年前进入空间。更多预计会效仿。在目前投资对冲基金的预票据调查的大约20个基金中,平均分配是总体投资组合的6.8%,占资本约253亿美元。在接下来的几年里,Preqin预计普通主权财富基金分配将增加到8.1%,为对冲基金经理的任务产生数十亿美元。

“During times of distress in the equity markets, with beta hit badly, sovereign wealth funds look for portfolio insurance,” says Aref Karim, founder, CEO and CIO of London-based Quality Capital Management, which specializes in managed futures and counts such funds among its investors. “Interest in hedge funds is definitely growing.”

Karim is himself an early pioneer. In January 1988, while working as a senior investment manager at the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, he was part of a team that led the fund’s initial foray into hedge funds — a move given added urgency by the 1987 U.S. stock market crash just three months earlier.


“对冲基金投资不太了解的事实是一个吸引力,”Mesirow先进战略的首席执行官Martin Kaplan Notes Martin Kaplan,基于芝加哥基金基金的基金公司,资产为105亿美元,其中约10%来自主权财富资金。

渴望市场情报也推动对冲基金的兴趣。由于主权财富基金寻求建立更复杂的投资组合,他们发现对冲基金 - 饥饿的资金 - 不仅仅是愿意为他们的控股提供窗户,并分享他们对塑造资本市场的力量的观点。通过使用管理账户结构投资对冲基金,主权资金通常通过投资对冲基金来实现这一级别的访问和透明度。


Temasek’s game plan has relied on that type of access. In 2003 its group overseeing alternative investments, Singapore-based Fullerton Fund Management Co., began making direct investments in Asia-Pacific hedge funds. But for allocations farther afield, Fullerton went to funds of funds “that could help us learn about the markets,” says Shirin Ismail, who heads up absolute-return strategies at the wholly owned investment subsidiary. Now, she says, Fullerton has built up enough expertise and contacts that it is ready to begin making direct investments in more complex strategies — and hedge funds have taken notice. “Everyone comes to us,” Ismail notes. “We’re now a stopover for hedge fund managers when they are in Asia.”


To say that these investments proved to be ill-timed is an understatement. ADIA’s $7.5 billion stake in Citigroup has lost more than 80 percent of its value, based on Citigroup’s recent price of $4.70 a share, down from roughly $30 when ADIA took the plunge in November 2007. Temasek, for its part, is said to have lost $4.6 billion alone on the 14 percent stake it took in Merrill Lynch and converted into Bank of America Corp. stock before selling it off earlier this year.

总而言之,从2007年底到2009年第一季度,主权财富基金资产下降了18%,或大约6000亿美元,达到3万亿美元,根据德意志银行的最新报告,培养criticism from their home governments and contributing to a near-halt in cross-border investment activity, as many funds came under pressure to restrict their purchases to ultrasafe U.S. Treasuries or to reserve their capital for bailouts at home. The Deutsche report recorded only $10 billion in first-quarter investment transactions by sovereign funds, compared with $58 billion for all of 2008 — more than a 30 percent drop in activity on an annualized basis.

西部各国政府和国际货币基金组织已经推动 - 并赢得了主权财富基金的更多透明度,其中许多人现在正在制作年度报告,并披露其与州机构的政策和关系(见文章)主权财富基金来自阴影”)。但是经过他们的公共投资losses, sovereign funds have learned a key tenet about secrecy that hedge funds have long abided by. As State Street’s Rozanov puts it, “The more allocations you have to illiquid investments, the less you want the marketplace to know.”


“We have selected a very small handful of funds we want to work with in this area,” says Ismail. “It was not so easy to figure out who can sustain debt investments over a long period of time.”


添加Paamco首席执行官Jane Buchan,“很多主权财富基金似乎正在寻找他们的直接投资的新想法。”





For Paamco’s Buchan, it all comes back to the benefits for sovereign fund clients of staying at arm’s length from potential investment opportunities. “If you run a sovereign wealth fund and you send staff on a big trip to perform due diligence on certain hedge funds,” she says, “the managers know they’ve almost won just by the fact that you’re there.”

That may be true. But as sovereign wealth funds increasingly get up to speed on hedge fund investing, nothing, it seems, beats going straight to the source.