白宫国家经济委员会主任和巴拉克奥巴马总统主席顾问劳伦斯·夏天告诉世界经济论坛,在2008年1月在瑞士达沃斯世界经济论坛,主权财富基金投资提出了关于地缘政治权力的“深刻的问题”。At about the same time, the California State Assembly took up legislation that would have stopped that state’s two largest public pension funds, the California Public Employees’ Retirement System and the California State Teachers’ Retirement System, from investing with any asset managers whose clients included investment funds based in countries with troubling human rights records. It was a bill aimed squarely at two private equity firms, New York–based Apollo Management, which is 9.9 percent owned by the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, and Washington-based Carlyle Group, which is 7.5 percent owned by Mubadala Development Co., a smaller fund in Abu Dhabi.
It was largely Western fears that led to the formation of the IWG, whose genesis can be traced to an October 2007 meeting that brought leading sovereign wealth funds together at the behest of the International Monetary Fund and the U.S. Treasury Department to talk about forming a code of conduct. Although some sovereign funds feel that the effort is hypocritical, given the role of Western financial deregulation in fanning the flames of the credit crisis, 26 countries with sovereign funds formalized the IWG in April 2008 and, at a meeting in Santiago, Chile, the following September, drafted guidelines known as the Generally Accepted Principles and Practices, or, simply, the Santiago Principles. At the April follow-up meeting in Kuwait, the IWG created a voluntary forum that will meet at least once a year to exchange views and facilitate an understanding of the Santiago Principles and SWF activities.
这些原则并不苛刻 - 也不是强制性的。在此建议中:主权财富基金应制定年度报告,披露与其他州机构的关系及其政策目的,并根据健全的组合管理原则采用投资政策。指南不需要甚至鼓励资金披露其资产根据管理层或其投资持股。