

尽管表现良好,但Templeton资产的Mark Mobius一直是新兴市场的领先夹具。

When Mark Mobius is not climbing Mount Kinabalu in Malaysia, exploring the foothills of Tanzania’s Mount Kilimanjaro in a Land Rover or riding his bicycle through the Italian Alps, the 73-year-old bachelor — known for his signature white suits, matching white shoes and clean-shaven pate — can be seen sussing out new investment ideas on the ground or jetting among the Templeton Emerging Markets Group’s 15 offices spread across Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America.

在新兴市场艰难的一年之后,损害了美国注册的共同资金的表现,该资金占他集团的89%的资产,Mobius有一些庆祝的东西。With the markets staging a comeback, he believes that the resurgence in Brazil, Russia, India and China, in particular — where he invests the bulk of his capital — is sustainable, despite the risk of as much as a 20 percent correction by year’s end.




尽管存在这样的业绩困境,但Mobius一直是新兴市场的领先夹具,投资数十年。收到博士后。在马萨诸塞州理工学院的经济学中,1964年,纽约的Hempstead,原生对新兴市场感兴趣,并在日本,韩国和泰国工作前致力于台湾开放当地的维克斯达哥斯达办事处Securities Holdings,一家英国经纪公司,1985年。两年后,由于Citicorp(现在花旗集团)准备购买维克斯,Mobius叛逃,加入Templeton,Galbraith&Hansberger。

When Franklin Resources bought Templeton in 1992, Mobius found himself reporting to then-CEO Charles Johnson, who relentlessly worked Mobius’s extensive connections in Brazil, China, Mexico, South Korea, Vietnam and other countries where Johnson anticipated long-term economic growth and wanted to buy well-run asset management firms.


尽管如此,晨星分析师Gregory Warren表示,基金经理似乎已经取得了变化的旨在发展市场基金的资产拨款,其资产主要在银库,能源,电信等大型股票中投资。绩效有所改善,该基金今年将于9月22日将MSCI EAFE指数击败了28.7个百分点。

Mobius说,富兰克林的管理层只要他看到合适的资金,让他独自训练了以其价值为导向的资金。他是从顶部到牛肉表现的压力吗?富兰克林首席执行官Gregory Johnson甚至没有在手机上举起声音。“格雷格在步骤中掌握,”莫梅斯说。“他知道这些事情发生了。”


