
Duncan Niederauer: Beware of the Taxman

Washington proposals to tax securities transactions will do much harm.

Duncan Niederauer由于华盛顿大多数人们在2009年底侧重于卫生保健立法,大会的一些成员们忙于浮动旨在陷入金融市场核心的误导提案:证券交易新税。

The populist appeal of such a tax is understandable — it’s easy to score points by bashing Wall Street these days. Yet beyond political posturing, the proposal represents a genuine threat to our still recovering financial system. The negative implications of a transaction tax would ripple throughout the economy, harming average investors and the very companies being counted on to create jobs.


Give its Congressional authors credit: Their proposal is cleverly packaged, with one iteration entitled the Let Wall Street Pay for the Restoration of Main Street Act. What this bill ignores, however, is that despite the public’s generally low opinion of the financial industry, the connection between Main Street and Wall Street has never been clearer.


保证任何交易税将退还退休和大学储蓄账户的持有人并不有说服力。单独的报告要求 - 涉及数百万个交易,数万个账户 - 将为已经拜占庭的美国税法增加了昂贵的复杂性。即使有可能为共同资金中的交易分配纳税责任,资金本身仍然必须支付 - 通过削减退货或提高费用或两者兼而有之。无论哪种方式,主要街道,不是华尔街,都会承担负担。

从宏观经济的角度来看,交易税将大大提高美国的资本成本,这将妨碍投资来阻止经济复苏。资本是经济增长引擎的燃料,提供建设新工厂所需的资源,投资新技术和研究新药 - 正是我们应该令人鼓舞的那种经济活动,以促进促进工作增长的脆弱恢复。


此外,交易税将鼓励投资者向更多不透明的交易场所举动 - 就像监管机构令人鼓舞一样。税收还将为公司筹集资金和名单海外股份,破坏美国经济领导,税收税收也会为公司创造强大的激励。由于世界其他地区的强势市场崛起,我们已经在全球股权市场的份额明显下降。

美国政治领导人,包括众议院议长Nancy Pelosi, have insisted that any transaction tax be coordinated internationally to prevent capital formation from being driven overseas. Following her lead, the European Union’s European Council has called on the International Monetary Fund to consider a global tax on regulated financial transactions. International leaders such as U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have also urged governments to join together in implementing the tax. But in reality such a globally coordinated tax is nearly impossible to imagine. Even if the U.S. and the EU were to agree, it is highly doubtful that every country would follow, creating opportunities for regulatory arbitrage.


最终,拟议的交易税并不是真正的华尔街税 - 这是一项储蓄和投资税,将主要由个人投资者支付。它也是征收美国经济,美国资本市场和仍然恢复的主要街道现在不能承担的税。

Duncan Niederauer是Nyse Eureonext的首席执行官。
