
Modern Portfolio Theory's Evolutionary Road


Asked if he’s offended when people trash his investment ideas, Harry Markowitz chuckles like a kindly uncle. The founder of Modern Portfolio Theory replies that he’s in the videoconferencing business. From his San Diego office, he delivers lectures around the globe for $15,000 a pop. Markowitz lets audiences choose from a handful of nontechnical topics — among them, whether his influential blueprint for portfolio construction stopped working during the crash of 2008.


Harry Markowitz.At 82, Markowitz is still dining out on the slim 1952 paper that changed finance forever — and won him a Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. Written when Markowitz was a graduate student at the University of Chicago, this document contains a formula for building a diversified portfolio that delivers the best return for a certain amount of risk. A mathematical expression of the old adage “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” Modern Portfolio Theory, or MPT, is still widely used almost 60 years later because the logic behind it makes so much sense.

As Markowitz admits, though, MPT has taken plenty of knocks along the way: “For years — maybe almost from the beginning of [Modern] Portfolio Theory — there have been people who’ve been saying, ‘Well, that’s obsolete. We’re going to do something new and better.’”


Institutions ostensibly using MPT in 2008 got omelet on their faces. According to the Commonfund Institute of Wilton, Connecticut, and the Washington-based National Association of College and University Business Officers, U.S. college and university endowments lost, on average, 18.7 percent for the year ended June 30, 2009. Many of these funds followed the so-called Yale model of portfolio construction, which advocates diversification through significant exposure to alternative asset classes like hedge funds and private equity. When these illiquid investments stopped throwing off cash — alternatives plummeted, on average, 17.8 percent between July 2008 and June 2009 — endowments had trouble meeting their commitments.


“People underestimated the risk they had in their portfolio vis-à-vis their demands and requirements for liquidity,” Geller says. “It was felt across all institutional portfolios, but perhaps most across endowments that typically hold larger allocations to alternatives.”


像许多理论,MPT simplifying assumptions. One of them is that the market is perfectly liquid. MPT also assumes that there are no transaction costs, that investors can take a position of any size in any security they want and that there’s no herd mentality at work. “Last year all of those assumptions probably got violated at the same time,” says Geller’s colleague Rumi Masih, head of J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s strategic investment advisory group.

That’s reason to be more circumspect about MPT, but not to toss it aside like a quaint relic. With understanding of market dynamics still in its infancy, testing is part of the theory’s growing up. So says Lisa Goldberg, executive director of analytic initiatives and talent at New York–based MSCI Barra, which provides indexes, risk models and portfolio analytics to asset managers and other clients.





For some practitioners, relying on MPT is simply too dangerous. Svetlozar (Zari) Rachev — chief scientist at FinAnalytica, a risk management and portfolio construction consulting firm based in New York, London and Sofia, Bulgaria — compares it to living beneath an avalanche-prone mountain. “The correlations that are embedded as the main assumption — the normality of returns — are telling you the chance of an avalanche affecting everybody in the village below is zero,” he says.



Markowitz通过长时间斯坦福大学财务教授William Sharpe在1964年制定的理论的简化版本上遵守了他的辩护,他在华盛顿大学教学(见时间表,第68页)。现在被称为资本资产定价模型,或CAPM,Sharpe的“单因素”理论假设投资组合中的所有资产均份额系统,或市场,风险。Beta回归的来源,这种共同的危险因素是不可能的多样化。然而,每次安全性也都有一个不系统的,或特殊的风险,它产生alpha。由于不同资产的回报不会完全排列,因此您可以通过多样化缩小风险。


此外,多元化实际工作于2008年。耶鲁管理学院的金融教授Roger Ibbotson指出,高质量的债券在股票市场总体上涨40%。虽然Beta或波动性,风险是股票回报的关键驱动因素,但Ibbotson增加了,流动性的作用往往被忽略了。“这种影响返回的流动性组成部分是每一位与风险成分一样重要,”Ibbotson表示,康涅狄格州扎贝拉资本管理席位和米尔福德的董事长和Cio。

马科维茨说,投资者应该知道他们的beta puts them on the efficient frontier. But he admits that MPT doesn’t make sophisticated assumptions about probability distributions — a big problem for highly leveraged investments that get marked to market daily. “There are ways of acting where you’re exposing yourself to model risk in a very major way,” says Markowitz.

解决办法是作出反映未来不确定性的估计。马科维茨是加州大学圣地亚哥拉迪管理学院(University of California,San Diego's Rady School of Management)金融学的兼职教授,同时也是GuidedChoice的联合创始人和首席架构师,GuidedChoice是一家总部位于加州洛斯加托斯(Los Gatos)的401(k)咨询公司。他表示,GuidedChoice倾向于波动率和回报率估计值,这两个估计值分别至少与历史平均值一样高,略低于历史平均值。这种谨慎的前景鼓励客户选择60%的股票和40%的债券组合,而不是在可疑的假设上进行高度杠杆化。

You could also build a better optimizer. One firm that claims to have done so is Cambridge, Massachusetts–based Windham Capital Management, which developed full-scale optimization with a division of Boston’s State Street Global Markets. According to its creators, this technique is much more sensitive to extreme events than mean-variance optimization.

Windham总裁兼首席执行官Mark Kritzman将常用的优化方法与一套基于波士顿的平均气温进行比较。“我喜欢调整人 - 我说,”多元化的唯一错误是它从未被尝试过。“

In his 2006 book, The Poker Face of Wall Street, Aaron Brown makes a strong case that gambling is intrinsic to financial markets. Brown should know — the veteran quant played poker semiprofessionally as a student in the 1970s and ’80s. Today he’s a risk manager at Greenwich, Connecticut–based hedge fund and asset management firm AQR Capital Management. Brown doesn’t think poker players make particularly good portfolio managers, but he says there are mathematical similarities between his favorite game and portfolio construction.

在扑克中,只玩你的强手可能是灾难性的,棕色解释。但是玩太多弱手意味着把钱扔掉。“Similarly, as a portfolio manager, if you go only with the best ideas, you’re not diversified enough,” says Brown, who was an executive director in risk methodology at Morgan Stanley in New York before he joined AQR in 2007. “But if you strive for maximum diversification, you get a lot of bad ideas in there.”

Academically speaking, Brown says, the basic idea of MPT is unassailable: You identify asset classes and try to estimate what return you can expect for a certain amount of risk. Then, rather than consider each asset class individually, you build a diversified portfolio with an acceptable risk-return trade-off. “That’s never been challenged, and I don’t think it ever will be,” says Brown, who has an MBA in finance and statistics from Markowitz’s alma mater, the University of Chicago.



Besides creating products that reflect its views on what makes an optimal portfolio, Brown’s firm helps institutional and individual clients build their own. David Kabiller, a founding principal and head of client strategies at AQR, which has $24.5 billion under management, says the discussion is different every time. Still, most large institutions have a limited appetite for illiquid private equity, Kabiller asserts. “And there are only so many hedge funds and so much skill out there,” he says. “If institutions are going to meet their investment objectives, it’s going to be more heavily influenced by how they structure and allocate to core betas.”

考虑到这一点,AQR提供了25亿美元的全球风险溢价产品,该产品完全由流动性证券组成。布朗说,Global Risk Premium旗下的两只基金投资于多种资产类别,包括股票和债券指数、大宗商品和美国国债通胀保值证券(TIPS),因为这样做为给定的预期回报水平提供了更低、更可预测的风险。但如此广泛的投资有两大潜在隐患。一是使用过度杠杆的诱惑;另一种是在猜测波动性和相关性时建立风险模型。


AQR starts by assuming that each asset class has its own independent risk. Mindful that assets tend to correlate, especially during crises, it seeks the broadest possible exposure. Right now, Brown says, there are very high correlations between equities and commodities, equities and credit, and interest rates and foreign exchange. Although those assets don’t yield much diversification today, he says, you’re better off buying them because they may diverge. And even if they end up being 100 percent correlated, it doesn’t hurt to split your money.


“It’s a very scary market environment, almost scarier than a volatile environment like the fall of ’08,” he explains. “It’s too quiet out there.”

Richard Michaud,联合创始人,波士顿新的前沿顾问的总裁兼Cio,几乎四十四年前开始质疑意思 - 方差优化。收到他的博士后。在1971年波士顿大学的数学和统计中,Michaud担任波士顿有限公司的高级研究分析师。他的第一个作业之一:使用均值 - 方差优化来研究欧洲国家基金的发展。Michaud必须获取Markowitz优化计划的录像机,并在波士顿公司的大型计算机上运行它们。



Throughout his career Michaud kept thinking and writing about optimization. He began collaborating with his son, Robert, who is managing director of research and development at New Frontier. The pair developed and patented a portfolio optimization process called Resampled Efficiency.

The elder Michaud says the trouble with traditional optimizers is that they assume the information you feed them is perfect — to at least 16 decimal places. If you’re performing a scientific task like landing a rocket on the moon, that level of precision is the bare minimum. “But in finance it’s absolute nonsense,” Michaud says. “Sixteen decimal places of accuracy for whether stocks are going to beat bonds or not? Investors are more than happy just to get the sign right.”


According to the younger Michaud, Resampled Efficiency builds on Markowitz’s good work. But rather than forecasting risk and return exactly, it allows some room for error. Using a statistical method called a Monte Carlo simulation, the optimizer generates thousands of possible market scenarios. It then recommends investing in the portfolio that performs the best across all of them. “That results in something a little more tolerant to markets not working out quite the way you were expecting them to,” Robert Michaud says.

有证据表明,重新取样工作效率。Besides selling its optimization software, New Frontier manages about $1 billion in 15 Global Strategic ETF model portfolio strategies offered through Pleasant Hill, California–based Genworth Financial Wealth Management. Designed to be fixed-risk core investments for long-term institutional investors, these products run from 20 to 100 percent in equities. Optimized, rebalanced and managed using Resampled Efficiency, they contain a mix of domestic equities, fixed income, real estate and international exchange-traded funds.

With 20 percent in equities, New Frontier’s most conservative fund is the $64 million Global Income Portfolio. Since its October 2004 inception, it has posted an annualized return of 4.1 percent. In 2008 the fund was the third-best performer among ETFs ranked by iShares, a division of New York–based BlackRock. Its –4.4 percent return far outstripped the Standard & Poor’s 500 index, which finished the year down more than 37 percent.






The same goes for too much accuracy. Although AQR strives for precise portfolio weights, it knows when to stop. “Any optimization that is telling you it really matters a lot whether you’re 4 or 5 percent in something is just not very useful,” Brown says. “A robust optimization program will give you weights that if you change them a little bit, it won’t change the result very much.”



To illustrate his point, he offers this example. Imagine that before the crisis hit, you used historical data to estimate the value at risk (VaR) over a five-year horizon of a traditional portfolio invested 60 percent in equities and 40 percent in bonds. Paying attention only to the distribution of outcomes at the end of the period, you’d have pegged the portfolio’s worst year in a century at a 9 percent loss.

For a result that bears a much closer resemblance to reality, Kritzman says to ditch average correlations in favor of those that have prevailed during turbulent markets, when losses are more likely. This approach would have given you a worst-case number of –25 percent, the loss suffered by a typical 60-40 portfolio in 2008.



That tells you two things, Kritzman says. First, the average correlation is almost meaningless. Second, investors are getting the opposite of what they want: diversification when their portfolio’s main growth engine does well and unification when it does poorly.

教授Massachusetts Technoloction Sloan管理学院的金融工程的Kritzman表示,通过思考来自多种风险制度的回报来估算损失暴露是重要的。他强调,这种建立耐受市场动荡的投资组合的方法是没有新的。

In many cases, Kritzman says, mean-variance optimization works just fine. But sometimes returns aren’t normally distributed because of regime shifts or fat tails. Also, on its own, mean variance is lousy at approximating investor preferences. For example, depending on whether returns are above or below a certain threshold, a hedge fund may dramatically change its attitude toward risk.

Kritzman,其公司提供投资,技术和咨询服务,表示全面优化是最好的替代品。他通过SébastienPage,State Streat Associates的投资组合和风险管理组负责人开发了这种方法,Kritzman是创始伙伴。Windham,州街全球市场和基于剑桥的FDO合作伙伴于1999年组建了联合拥有的公司。同时,Windham的大部分资产3000亿美元是与SSGM合作的货币运行。

Whereas mean-variance optimization looks at summaries of returns, Kritzman says, full-scale optimization considers all features of the data. It takes into account every single return in an asset’s history — and even in the theoretical distribution — and zeroes in on the portfolio that yields the best outcome. It also factors in any investor preferences that can be turned into equations.

This process is more sensitive to downdrafts than mean-variance optimization, which doesn’t distinguish between upward and downward moves, says Kritzman, who holds an MBA from New York University. “Full-scale recognizes that investors are much more averse to downside deviations and don’t mind upside deviations,” he adds.


Kritzman notes that two causes of market turbulence are exogenous shocks and crowded trades. But regardless of the cause, turbulence always has two main features: The ratio of returns to risk is much lower, and the turbulence is very persistent. Kritzman compares it to in-flight turbulence, which lingers until an airplane finds a new altitude or passes through the weather system. “The turbulence may arise unexpectedly, but once it begins, it takes time for investors to digest and react to what’s going on,” he says. “So it’s pretty likely that it’s going to be around for a while.”


As a navigational aid, State Street Associates has created an index that quantifies turbulence for any given trading day. Page says the first step is to use this turbulence index to identify periods in history when risky strategies have underperformed. Then, because crises are unpredictable, investors must determine whether turbulence will be persistent enough that they can scale back their exposure to these strategies after it hits.


J.P. Morgan的Masih表示,他的小组正在研究根据不同的经济和金融制度返回转移的想法。对他来说,回答的第一个问题是触发点将允许从一个制度迁移到另一个政权。第二个是根据历史证据对每个制度相称的返回行为。“第3号问题是,鉴于这种行为,我可以用来帮助我的资产分配决定的资产类别是什么?”马苏斯说。



Still, finance has changed considerably since Markowitz first floated his theory. Back then, information was hard to come by, and the only asset classes were stocks, bonds and cash. Brown says there’s much better data now, as well as the ability to cover far more of the market portfolio. He guesses that when Markowitz was writing in the early 1950s, 30 percent of risk was incorporated into the market. Today there are liquid investments that give access to upward of 80 percent of risk — a huge advantage.


Markowitz agrees that the intervening years have transformed the world, but he points out that investors still must deal with uncertainty. “The details are different, but the principles are the same,” he says. “The laws of probability have not changed.”

As for MPT, Markowitz contends that each market meltdown has delivered new converts. “Maybe the effect of the crisis will be that thoughtful people — the people who will listen — will go back and understand the basic assumptions of portfolio theory, rather than just listening to sell-side salesmen telling them how it has to work.”
