

50岁的梅赛德斯马可德尔·帕特(Marco del Pont)由阿根廷参议院作为南美国家中央银行总统确认。

Guillaume Rambourg是伦敦Gartmore集团欧洲股权队的顶级交易员和高级投资经理,令公司恢复令人惊讶的回报 - 最初是投资分析师。Suspended at the end of March pending the outcome of an internal investigation into whether he had breached company procedures by directing trades, Gartmore announced on April 28 that it had found “no suggestion of dishonesty or a lack of integrity in Guillaume’s actions,” although he had indeed directed a small percentage of trades to certain brokers.

这些违约者,公司表示,“并不普遍。”从前一天的142便士近年来,Gartmore的股票急剧上升。但并非所有分析师都相信Rambourg Saga结束了。“市场的反应似乎忽略了金融服务权威仍然需要给予Rambourg一个干净的健康状况,”伦敦Canaccord Adams的财务分析师Katrina Hart说。
