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Republicans and Financial Reform: Kill or be Killed

The full-throttle push for financial reform legislation, and all of its many possible components, is entering the home stretch. For Republicans, this appears to be a ‘do or die’ moment, politically speaking.

Rich Blake

The full-throttle push for financial reform legislation and all of its many possible components — centralized, exchange trading of over-the-counter derivatives, a ban on proprietary trading at banks, the codification of consumer protections, a new systemic risk monitoring entity, and more — is entering the home stretch.

For Republicans, this appears to be a ‘do or die’ moment, politically speaking.

Regardless of what Wall Street dislikes about the proposed legislation, or finds impractical or sees as grandstanding, there’s an end game now in sight. For the GOP, sucking it up and conceding yet another Obama victory could be the better alternative than trying to kill the bill outright.

后者策略 - 杀害账单,而不是允许奥巴马另一个胜利 - 在最近几周的计划中得到了计划A.计划否定克里斯多德在参议院中的单一共和党投票。它已经尝试过。它已经被回复了。

The trouble began with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and his over reliance on the Frank Luntz’s talking points memo (endlessly repeating the line about endless bailouts) not to mention McConnell’s unseemly fundraising meeting with hedge fund managers at the Peninsula Hotel earlier this month, a story that ironically was reported exclusively by Fox Business Network before being bandied about on Capitol Hill, finally even winnowing its way into President Obama’s radio address Saturday.

The news of the SEC fraud charges against Goldman Sachs also undermined the GOP’s push to kill reform.

While neither the White House nor the regulatory agency would ever admit to the Goldman fraud charge announcement being timed to coincide with the thick of financial reform debate, there’s clearly a leap of logic to be made here, and it would seem illogical not to make it.

参议员Mitch McConnell.On Sunday morning, Mitch McConnell appeared on CNN, interviewed by Candy Crowley. McConnell did not deny the cozy meeting with Wall Street took place.

CROWLEY:Okay, so what the president is saying is you met with Wall Street leaders, with [Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas] the man who raises money for Republican Senate races, and talked about how to block this bill. Did the meeting take place? What was the conversation?

mcconnell:Well, we certainly didn’t talk about blocking the bill. I don’t know anybody who’s in favor of blocking this bill. I also met recently with the Kentucky bankers who are also opposed to this bill. The community banks, the little guys on Main street. We’re all meeting with a lot of people. This is the current subject.

On Tuesday, McConnell held a snap press conference.




“The Republicans, mainly Sen. [Richard] Shelby[, R-Ala.] and McConnell had two options. The first was to do everything they could to deny Obama another victory. The fallback was to have a bill that had one single Republican name on it, Shelby’s, so that it would be known for posterity as the Dodd-Shelby bill. To kill it they needed all 41 Republican Senators to oppose it. But there are at least a few Republicans [such as Olympia Snowe of Maine] who came forward and said they would be willing to vote for it. Even one single Republican vote in the Senate means it could go to debate.”


No wonder the Democrats are feeling emboldened.

When Sen. Blanche Lincoln, chairwoman of the Agriculture Committee, came out (on the same day the SEC announced its case against Goldman) with a bill proposing all OTC derivatives should be traded publicly on exchanges it seemed almost as over the top as allowing a short seller to secretly booby trap a CDO deal, but now even Lincoln’s aggressive measure appears firmly on the table.



On Goldman’s conference call Tuesday morning, CFO David Viniar said that Goldman supports standardization of derivatives and centralized clearing.


With that simple sentence, Wall Street — so protective of OTC derivatives, a market it owns and off which it makes mountains of money — appeared to signal the towel was being thrown in on an issue that even a month ago was worth waging a lobbying war that cost millions.


Now there are reports that even the Volcker rule is back on the table.

The GOP can stand with Wall Street and fight, but standing with Wall Street could cost them in the mid-term elections. Plan A, killing financial reform at all costs, seems like it is being scrapped lest it kills the GOP. Time will tell what the new plan is, but Wall Street reform is taking shape.
