


意图防止重复金融危​​机,国会和奥巴马政府一直审查过度计数衍生品 - 该仪器近乎破产美国国际集团。例如,华盛顿立法者辩论改革对于不透明的美国OTC衍生品市场,包括使用中央清除露,以降低系统性风险。清除多种经销商之间的净交易已被证明可以降低雷曼兄弟持有人违反其衍生品承诺的风险,从而导致通过市场划分级联损失。



即使这些公司幸运(或连接的良好)足够完全收集AIG支持的信用违约赛道,因为次级抵押贷款市场现在同意在衍生品市场中急需改革。Listen to Goldman, Sachs & Co. CEO Lloyd Blankfein’s testimony in January before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission: “A central clearinghouse with strong operational and financial integrity will reduce bilateral credit risk, increase liquidity and enhance the level of transparency through enforced margin requirements and verified and recorded trades. This will do more to enhance price discovery and reduce systemic risk than perhaps any specific rule or regulation.”

清算馆,这对市场上的市场上没有什么新的,例如交易所交易期货,期权和股票,都是适合的,并开始于OTC衍生品市场。在其他举措中:基于纽约的冰块清除美国和伦敦的冰块欧洲(两者都由IntercontinentalExchange拥有)和芝加哥的CME集团在过去的一年里所有都有可以处理信用违约掉期的清算。去年15名大衍生品经销商,包括美国银行Merrill Lynch,JPMORGAN Chase&Co.和摩根士丹利&Co.,同意清除大多数新的利率和信用违约交换指数通过这些设施进行交易。

The Depository Trust & Clearing Corp., a clearinghouse and depository formed to address Wall Street’s 1970s paperwork crisis, backs what it regards as a crucial refinement to the government’s proposal that all OTC derivatives trades be cleared through a central counterparty or registered in a central repository. Peter Axilrod, managing director of the DTCC (and its former risk manager), asserts that all OTC trades, whether centrally cleared or not, should also be reported to a single database. Multiple databases, or repositories, “would fragment that responsibility and create the risk of inadequate oversight of derivatives markets at times of crisis,” he says.


然而,清除窝不是万无一失的解决方案。作为Trioptima的北美首席执行官Raf Pritchard,该公司旨在通过协调交易对手,笔记之间的交易来降低风险,“随着合同不能全部标准化,总会有交易。”