美国政府加强对抵押贷款巨头Fannie Mae和Freddie Mac的支持有一些分析师担心为公司吸收无限亏损三年,可以增加数十亿美元的联邦赤字,报道华尔街日报。
白宫据说是对贷方的各种建议称重,但主要经济顾问劳伦斯夏天表示,这个问题“将随着时间的推移发挥作出”。Some officials believe that it will not be necessary to bring Fannie and Freddie onto government books in the meantime, and Assistant Treasury Secretary Michael Barr said, “I don’t anticipate any change,” adding that the lenders would “have the same appearance that they've had before in the budget books."