
金融发动机的Jeffrey Maggioncalda:一个耐心的网络首席执行官

Jeffrey Maggioncalda花了十年的时间,将财务发动机公开拿走。互联网公司的三月IPO是今年最成功的。

在2000年春天,随着纳斯达克综合指数飙升,在投资者兴奋的任何互联网上记录高度,金融发动机首席执行官Jeffrey Maggioncalda在公司的Palo Alto,加利福尼亚州总部组建了他的部队。他告诉他们,他正准备接受风险投资。然而,在几天内,纳斯达克开始自由落体,最终跌落约80%。金融发动机,当时为401(k)和其他退休计划参与者提供的投资建议,根据诺贝尔奖获奖经济学家William Sharpe的理论,从未做过S-1 IPO登记表的档案。

在未来几年内,随着许多基于网络的公司挣扎,不止少数人陷入困境,金融发动机纷纷击中。在寻找额外收入,MaggionCalda和他的团队于2004年提出了使用该公司在线咨询服务的相同投资引擎提供专业管理的账户来退休计划参与者。新业务起飞:2007年,专业管理层占收入6340万美元的近一半。以下4月,Maggioncalda指示他的投资银行家准备新的IPO注册表 - 只有在那个夏天袭击金融危机时才搁置它。

因此,毫无疑问,Maggioncalda笑话,“当我们起草最近的S-1 [2009年12月]时,我们担心我们将促使下一个金融危机。”相反,金融发动机3月IPO是今年最成功的;其股票跃升了近44%的交易,达到17.25美元(因为截至9月下旬以上仅为14美元)。

For Maggioncalda, the $83.2 million offering was a milestone in a journey that began 14 years ago when Financial Engines’ founders, then–Stanford University finance professor Sharpe, Stanford law professor Joseph Grundfest and Silicon Valley lawyer Craig Johnson, hired him at 27 to be the company’s first employee — and CEO. Grundfest, who proposed to Sharpe that they start a firm to capitalize on Sharpe’s theory for constructing portfolios with the highest expected return for a given risk, had known Maggioncalda when the Stanford Business School graduate was working at Cornerstone Research, which did analysis for business litigation.


That approach seems to be working. In the second quarter, Financial Engines’ revenue grew 32 percent year over year, to $25.6 million, thanks largely to a 60 percent increase in sales of professional management services. Assets under management soared 51 percent, to $29.4 billion.

Maggioncalda最近与Americas Editor Michael Peltz发表过关于跑步,最后是一家公开交易公司。




有一个长期的愿景,这些愿景取决于人口统计数据。这比任何技术趋势都更加持久和不可避免。Demographics really was the cornerstone of our vision — that is to say, “Look, we’ve got a whole generation of people approaching an important point in their lives where they need to think about retirement, at a time when public policy has shifted all of the responsibility for retirement onto their shoulders.” And then we knew that we had Bill Sharpe — a Nobel prize winner — so that’s another pretty core asset to get started with. [Sharpe, director emeritus of Financial Engines, is spending the bulk of his time now doing research on postretirement economics.]


我们绝对以筹款的形式利用它。在1996年至2000年期间,当斯卡特山谷关闭时,我们筹集了约1.3亿美元。在2000年之后,你不能像我们所做的那样筹集金钱 - 门砰的一声 - 然后我们用钱来发展我们的客户群并开发我们的托管账户计划。所有这笔钱都通过一个非常艰难的经济衰退和9/11和整个Dot-Com行业的震撼。


这是非常具有挑战性的。当我们进入2000时,我们在银行拥有约1亿美元的现金,我们左右的现金流量肯定了2003年。但一旦我们提出了管理账户计划,我们就开始积极地投资。我们不得不花在花钱,因为我们看到这项业务将成为一个胜利者。因此,金钱基本上不得不九年来。我们缩减了我们的费用。我们改变了补偿结构,以采取更多股权而不是现金。至于你的保留点,我会说基本要求是人们必须相信。这就是为什么公司的标志是,它是以高尚的目的成立的原因,员工可以感觉良好的东西 - 帮助人们保存退休。但员工也不得不相信它会得到回报。


这是关键。有趣的是,它在发动机方面是相同的基础技术;它是一个相同的目标客户,它是401(k)计划中的员工;这是通过工作场所的相同分配策略。它实际上是相同的 - 我们的基本策略的90% - 但我们只是没有每个人想要的杀手应用程序。坦率地说,我们掌握了管理账户的方式是我们正在抓住我们的头,说:“为什么更多的人使用在线建议?”所以我们出去开始采访人,他们基本上说:“我真的不想上网并这样做。”所以我们说,“好吧,如果我们采取所有相同的发动机和方法以及其他一切,而是创建一个我们为客户照顾这件事的服务版本。”所以这就是我们所做的。


We started the process in the fourth quarter of 2009. Part of what was really challenging was the mind-set shift in the market: It went from nuclear winter and total survival mode going into ’09 to a growth mind-set when the markets came racing back in the second half of the year. We immediately had to say, “Okay, let’s start investing again.”


我的工作作为一个首席执行官归结为三件事。1号is to get the strategy right. I’ve seen so many companies execute on the wrong strategy, and they can do a brilliant job and work really hard, but the fundamental insight that was driving their execution just wasn’t right. So you have to have a good strategy that plays to your strengths. The second thing is to set the right culture and alignment within the company. The third piece is the team: I have to hire really good people. So as I think about those three fundamental pieces of being a CEO, I don’t know that my job is that different from what it was before.

