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罗伯特Pozen.Grades the Government's Role in the Financial Industry

1950亿MFS投资管理的主席Robert Pozen谈到了他的新书和关于政府在金融业中持续发挥作用的思考。

去年年底,波士顿的1950亿MFS投资管理董事长Robert Pozen和哈佛商学院的高级讲师,撰写拯救太大了?如何解决金融系统。[点击这里下载前言written by Robert J. Shiller, Yale University.] Pozen, who was also chairman of the SEC advisory committee on improving financial reporting during 2008, sat down with Julie Segal, staff writer at亚博赞助欧冠杂志,谈论他的书籍和关于政府在金融业的持续作用的思考。




我用一定量级的工作。我们真的跑了数字,以便在该期间看到卖空卖空股价的效果。当然,金融机构的每个首席执行官声称他们短暂销售为零。有些人对某事。根据我们的分析,John Mack致以正确的方式,是的,卖空者的卖家推动摩根士丹利的库存,但是用Merrill,它并没有成为正确的。短款卖家确实驾驶了雷曼兄弟,但是他们没有。我们从经验的角度看待这一点。



每个人都质疑为什么银行不放贷。But there is a common misconception that banks are responsible for most lending. If you look at the statistics in the U.S. before the financial crisis, say in a normal year like 2006, then you realize that only 20 percent to 25 percent of credit that was extended by banks and the rest was by non-bank lenders who were heavily dependent on the securitization markets. In 2006 we were securitizing $1.2 trillion in loans and in 2009 we did about $50 billion. So the securitization process has broken down, despite some recent deals, and that’s why loan volume is down.




I think the bailout of CIT is ridiculous, for example. We have a theory of too big to fail, and we’ve somehow recapitalized 600 institutions. Are there 600 institutions that are too big to fail? It seems unlikely. I try to delineate in chapter 9 the two valid rationales for bailouts: One is you have to protect the payment system, but that probably involves a handful of money center banks. The second is if you have an institution like Fannie or Freddie where its failure would lead to massive failures throughout the system. Does CIT count as either of them? No. We bailed out American Express. It’s a credit card company. If American Express went bankrupt, would the whole financial system go? No, a new credit card company would emerge. We have no rationale and we’ve bailed out far too many firms. I point out in my book that there is now a trucking company that wants a bailout, and of course, we can’t do without trucking.

