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Dodd-Frank Wall Street改革和消费者保护法案将使金融部门和影子银行业的重组,以一种最大限度地减少风险管理的灾难,如两年前看到的那样。

    如果从2007 - 2008年的金融危机中汲取了任何经验教训,海湾的灾难就是证据表明我们可能已经忘记了其中一些。BP PLC最近的惨败将其根源在一个企业文化中有利于短期利润而无需长期风险 - 两年前只离开华尔街的同样亚慱体育app怎么下载的哲学。此外,这两个危机都对投资者的信仰表示,即联邦监管机构有能力和意愿,为在错误可能具有灾难性后果的行业中提供过度风险的斗殴。

    事后看来,最令人惊讶的thing about the collapses that rocked the financial sector is that they did not happen sooner. The problem began with a dramatic shift in mortgage lending practices. When banks held the mortgage loans they funded, they had their own skin in the game – and if they lent unwisely, they would pay the consequences. When home loans instead were sold almost immediately to packagers of mortgage-backed securities, lenders no longer had any incentive to ensure that prospective buyers were actually able to service the loans they took out. The resulting lack of due diligence, aided by dysfunctional credit rating agencies, turned the mortgage-backed security business into a kind of Russian roulette.

    In the short term, however, mortgage-backed securities and the industry they spawned were also amazingly profitable. A preoccupation with these short-term gains quickly grew, fanned by executive compensation programs that offered rich rewards based on corporate performance over very limited periods. While most understood that there was at least a possibility that changes in the housing market could result in disaster in the long run, such a scenario was seen as highly unlikely – the fabled “black swan.”

    This thinking, of course, badly misconstrued the true nature of risk. Risk is in essence the likelihood of an event multiplied by the harm it might cause. An event with a relatively high chance of occurring but few consequences – say, getting caught in the rain, may require little precaution. On the other hand, events that are unlikely but can potentially bring devastating harm, like an automobile accident, are something that any prudent person plans for. In the financial crisis, compensation schemes and analyst expectations fostered a system that was willing to risk the possibility of catastrophe in the long term in exchange for lucrative results in the present.



    Dodd-Frank Wall Street改革和消费者保护法案将使金融部门和影子银行业的重组,以一种最大限度地减少风险管理的灾难,如两年前看到的那样。重要的是,新规约中所体现的许多改革都将有助于减少远远超出财务部门的风险的企业行为 - 例如在执行赔偿的规定中,过度加权短期收益。


    Michael W. Stocker是律师事务所Labaton Sucharow的律师。他代表了机构投资者,是国家和亚博赞助欧冠国际出版物的财务和治理问题的评论员。
