


证券交易委员会的决定不禁止他们代表公共养老金计划的营销基金管理人员的安置代理人是公共基金社区的好消息。Better yet, the commissioners voted unanimously to restrict placement agents’ ability to donate to the campaigns of elected officials with oversight of those funds.


最初,SEC拟提议防止第三方营销人员从公共计划中征求业务。As Institutional Investor pointed out in our October 2009 U.S. cover story, “Shadow Lands,” a ban on third-party marketers to public funds would disproportionately affect small, often women- and minority-owned money managers seeking business from public funds, while not necessarily solving the problem. Instead, II’s investigative team recommended that the SEC try to stop the flow of political money.

不是在付费调查中命名的每个人都被关联损坏,每个公司都不同等飙升。拿凯莱尔集团。在2009年5月发布的2009年年度报告中,305亿美元的华盛顿私募股权公司宣布,尽管投资困难,但它已关闭2009年1月至2010年1月至2010年3月的156亿美元的九个新资金 - 考虑到凯莱尔the first money management firm to reach an agreement with Cuomo’s office over the investigation.

“凯洛尔员工在凯洛尔接受了普通退休基金之前和之后向艾伦亨索进行了竞选贡献,该声明最后签署了。(Such donations were not illegal in New York State.) Carlyle agreed to make a $20 million payment to the state of New York and signed Cuomo’s code of conduct for firms seeking money from public pension systems, including a ban on the use of placement agents. It neither admitted nor denied guilt and was not, in fact, accused of any wrongdoing by the AG’s office.

一些行业的内部人士表示,调查应在整个货币管理行业中提高栏。“在收集资产是业务的一部分,该过程还必须持有最高的道德标准,”Angeles投资顾问的Cio Michael Rosen说,迈克尔·罗森表示,建议公共养老金计划和其他机构投资者。亚博赞助欧冠