
Risk Matters at Bank of America

美国银行Bruce Thompson是七个月期间被任命为首席风险官的第三个行政,这表明银行问题有多深,以及如何改变课程。

1月份,当时新银行公司总裁兼首席执行官Brian Moynihan宣布他的顶级管理团队,它包括布鲁斯汤普森作为首席风险官。以前是全球资本市场的主任,汤普森是第三次主任在七个月内举行CRO标题,这表明银行问题有多遍地,以及莫伊汉如何发生变化课程。

7月16日,2.3万亿美元的资产银行业巨头将宣布第二季度结果,希望在第一季度获得32亿美元的势头。这是2009年全部净收入的一半,危机后的过渡年度在离境的首席执行官Kenneth Lewis。暴露在溅射经济中,公司仍然争夺信贷损失,但其贷款损失规定在第一季度下降,持续强大的底线应在本组织顶部的基调上反思,特别是风险管理新看。

The CRO office door began to revolve in June last year when Amy Woods Brinkley, one of the senior-most women in U.S. banking, who joined the Charlotte, North Carolina-based bank as a management trainee in 1978 and had been CRO since 2001, announced her retirement. Word had gotten out through a spokesperson that Brinkley and Lewis, whose every move was then being watched closely by regulators and his board, mutually agreed on the need for a new approach to risk management.

Brinkley的继任者,2009年6月30日,曾是Gregory Curl,这是一个前海军官员和另一个三十年的银行业退伍军人,他们在博客的前任公司之一开始,船长的圣路易斯Bancashes。卷曲是刘易斯的近期顾问,在奔跑中取得成功。在他的现有角色标准全球企业战略的发展和计划中,卷曲是博鳌积极的交易的参与者,其中包括2008年底的Merrill Lynch&Co的争议购买。

With the transition at the top this past January, Curl was put on a new detail described as “focusing on key strategic partnerships.” Moynihan praised Curl for “positioning Bank of America for strength, stability and soundness as we continue to work through the economic challenges ahead.” And then the new CEO turned the CRO reins over to Thompson, who joined Banc of America Securities in 1996 after spending most of his career with Kidder, Peabody Peabody & Co.


美国银行Merrill Lynch,全球银行和全球市场的一部分由高盛集团和Merrill Lynch校友Thomas Montag,名为David Oman Cro的欧洲,中东和非洲。欧洲CRO和UBS的同行信用风险全球负责人,阿曼将于10月份正式加入伦敦的Bofa。除了整体监督该地区的风险管理外,阿曼将成为银行对U.K.的金融服务管理局和其他欧洲监管机构的联络。

表示银行有意保持严格的风险,阿曼将有双重报告职责:对国际风险战略发展负责人的Marisa Haney;并且,在他对手的风险能力,汤普森。



杰夫克勒Jeffrey Kuler是主编风险专业杂志,由全球风险专业人员协会出版。
