





基于达拉斯的罗纳德·尔纳队首先饰演了第四年的第四年,但这并没有开始描述瑞银分析师的赛道记录:他在1975年以来每年都在这一部门及其前任中排名第一。Barone has “greater insight into what moves the stocks than other analysts,” insists one investor. That insight was on display last October, when the 67-year-old researcher recommended Questar Corp., telling clients the Salt Lake City–based company would spin off its high-growth (and deregulated) exploration-and-production operations so it could focus on its core natural-gas business. In April, when Questar announced it was considering doing just as Barone had predicted, Questar’s stock surged. By late August it had shot up 28.7 percent since Barone’s prediction, from a post-spin-off adjusted price of $12.65 to $16.28, and outperformed the sector by 29.9 percentage points. “Ron so thoroughly knows the industry, the players and the mechanics of the business that his insight is invaluable, and he never loses sight of the fact that the job is to make stock calls — not to just build relationships with managements,” declares one enthusiast.
