


当4月份renselaer理工学院的Walédeoosun,Cio和Renstechnico的Cio和财务主管裁员到曼哈顿切萨皮克资产管理 - 以及他的两家投资人员 - RPI的受托人和主席谢利安杰克逊决定了。如果纽约的工程学院应该重建其投资办公室的特洛伊或找到另一种方式来管理其8亿美元的捐赠基金吗?

首席财务官弗吉尼亚Gregg c零售物价指数没有说hoice. “We were in a position where our entire investment group left together and gave us four months’ notice,” she explains. “We felt we did not have enough time to furiously hire a group back in.” So RPI hired Boston’s HighVista Strategies, an endowment-style investment manager, to take on its portfolio.

外包已经成为学校的可行方式,以确保他们的资金是专业管理而无需员工。几家公司现在提供这项服务,宣传他们投资的能力,如顶级捐赠。最古老的是投资,成立于2003年,由长期大学弗吉尼亚大学捐赠经理Alice Handy在Charlottesville大学。大多数 - 包括Menlo Park,加利福尼亚州和教堂山的Makena Capital Management,由北卡罗来纳州的摩根溪资本管理 - 是前养老官员的建立。当哈佛大学和耶鲁大学正在产生超过20%的年度返回时,试图匹配自己的游戏的禀赋是一个崇高的目标。然而,由于2007年的市场崩溃开始,因此它正在采取不同的重点。

Wilshire Associates’ Trust Universe Comparison Service (TUCS) reported a –19.14 percent average return for all endowments and foundations for the year ended June 30, 2009. The highest-profile schools posted some of the largest declines, partly because of high allocations to public and private equity as well as to illiquid investments. Harvard’s endowment lost 27 percent of its previous $36 billion value, while Stanford University’s fund dropped 26 percent.

捐赠风格的资金没有逃脱狂欢节。在他们的任务期间,以模仿顶级学校的管理风格,大多数遭受的投资组合损失高于平均禀赋的投资组合损失。根据一位投资者,对于2008年的日历年来,摩根溪捐赠基金下降了24.3%;北卡罗来纳州夏洛特的全球养老管理下降了22.8%;和HighVista失去了16.6%。尽管有这些尿点,但像RPI和佛蒙特州的嗜弗蒙特大学这样的客户无怨无悔。“我们对外包决定非常满意,”波士顿的阿卡采尔管理层的米摩尔伯里和执行副总裁兼首席运营官丘吉尔富兰克林说。“它通过经济低迷而极大地帮助我们,而不是为自己付出的报酬。”在2009年 - 十六财年期间,米德伯利赢得了健康的17.7%。


While Adeosun still oversaw the RPI endowment, it ended 2008–’09 down 19.7 percent. It has since bounced back. Gregg calls performance “positive this year, within the average endowment range.” She’s hoping for better things in 2011. RPI hired HighVista for its focus on risk management and capital protection, and for its smaller size, the CFO notes. “We’ve been pleased by these six months,” Gregg says. “We outsourced and are sort of in process.”
