



In Patrick O’Brian’s novel, Master and Commander (which was later turned into a movie starring Russell Crowe), Captain Jack Aubrey and his British Naval vessel lose contact with the French frigate they are tracking to destroy because Aubrey’s ship becomes stuck in The Doldrums. Things become so bad that the crew of the ship is convinced they have a cursed officer on board – after weeks of hot weather and no wind the officer eventually ends up believing the curse and commits suicide. While O’Brian based this book on early 18th century naval warfare, the scene of Aubrey’s ship stuck in The Doldrums seems to echo in reality this summer, especially with the oppressive weather we’ve seen on the east coast.



常见知识,八月通常对交易者缓慢,因为大多数人在本月努力逃避他们的暑假。总体而言,七月是美国股票的积极月份,但不是要大多数,因为经济的经济新闻超过了体面的盈利报告。8月初仍有很多盈利报告,但在地平线上还有更多的经济经济新闻。最重要的是7月失业报告,可能会展示每个人所期望的 - 持续高失业率以及更多的美国经济的证据。虽然7月底,市场似乎采取了Q2 GDP数字,但从Q1的3.7%的Q2中,Q2的GDP增长速度降至2.4%并没有帮助投资者信心。




The good news is that compared to First Coverage Sentiment Index numbers from August 2008, the current First Coverage numbers don’t seem to be pointing towards another market crash – which is what we saw shortly after August 2008. In fact, sentiment numbers in August of 2008 drifted as low as 49 points; the FC Sentiment Index is still hanging in there at 55 points, currently. The good news is that another fall market crash is most likely not on the horizon; the bad news is that much like a sailboat in The Doldrums, this market doesn’t seem as if it’s likely to pick up speed anytime soon.

Roland Beaulieu是基于波士顿的首席财务议员首席财务公司首次覆盖。Beaulieu和第一次覆盖可以达到info@firstcoverage.com.有关首次覆盖的更多信息,请访问http://www.firstcoverage.com/