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Petrobras Eyes Eni’s Stake In Galp

Petroleo Brasileiro is seeking to acquire Italian oil company, Eni’s 33% stake in Portugal’s Galp Energia.

    Petroleo Brasileiro(Petrobras)is seeking to acquire Italian oil company,Eni’s 33% stake in Portugal’sGalp Energia,Bloombergreports. According to Lisbon-based newspaper,Diario Economico, the Brazilian oil company has offered around €3.5 billion for the stake.

    Galp is already a partner with the Rio de Janeiro-based Petrobras in exploration and production in offshore fields in Brazil. Rome-based Eni had previously said it was reviewing options for its stake in Galp stake.

    Click here for the story fromBloomberg.

    Click here for additional coverage fromThe Wall Street Journal.

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