

经济学家Nouriel Roubini在达沃斯世界经济论坛开幕式会议上举起水上玻璃,并宣布其象征着经济展望:半满和半空。



"Confidence is coming back, and it’s coming back very strongly,” says Dennis Nally. Chairman of Pricewaterhouse Coopers International. The accountancy firm released the results of a survey of 1,200 CEOs from around the world in which 48 percent of respondents said they were confident about the outlook for the next 12 months, up from only 31 percent a year ago. Even more significant, 51 percent of CEOs said they expected to add jobs in the next 12 months, up from 39 percent a year earlier; the number expecting to cut their work force fell to 16 percent from 25 percent.



“留言清楚,您将在资本的投资和您不想在西方世界中进行投资,”广告巨头WPP集团首席执行官Martin Sorrell Sir Martin Sorrell爵士,讲述了经济论坛小组。

经济学家Nouriel Roubini在开幕式上举起水上玻璃,并宣布其象征着经济展望:半满半空。全面包括那些公司资产负债表和新兴市场;空边是西方的缓慢增长和财政危机。

关于从欧洲的债务危机中出现了大量猜测。Although the EU’s bailout fund successfully floated its first bond issue on Tuesday, the Bloomberg news agency released a poll of traders and investors that found that 59 percent of respondents said at least one of the 17 euro countries would exit the single currency by 2016 because of debt problems. And President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address calling for significant deficit reduction in the medium term won little applause here. Most participants say they want to see actions, not words. “There is an unwillingness to deal with the real gorilla in the room,” said Sorrell.

