
Sideway Markets: Discipline and Contrary Behavior Can Make You Rich

“你必须相反,因为当每个人都买时,你会出售,当其他人都在销售时,你会买到,”投资管理伙伴的Vitaliy Katsenelson说。

When listening to Vitaliy Katsenelson talk about today’s markets, be prepared to hear about a bleak outlook. He'll remind you that the U.S. economic recovery is unsustainable, because it relies on government intervention, China is facing an overcapacity bubble and Japan’s population is too old, too indebted and their interest rates are too low.



In a recent interview with Institutional Investor, Katsenelson explained the strategy behind investing in sideway markets.


Vitaliy Katsenelson:它将比过去四个月更困难,让我们相信。

When I talk about sideway markets, I am talking about secular trends that last decades. It not about the next six months, but about decades. In this environment you want to be very disciplined and you have to be contrary, because you are going to be selling when everybody is buying and you will be buying when everybody else is selling.



所以我们在这种广泛的横向趋势中有很多周期性繁荣和熊市。这种情况发生的原因很简单,在周期性繁荣市场结束时股票被高估了,并且P / E压迫需要时间从高于平均水平到平均水平。P / E压缩擦除了您从盈利增长中获得的所有好处。





You've been warning about investing in the Chinese Market. What should investors know?

中国在许多不同的部门具有巨大的产能过剩 - 例如工业部门,商业和住宅房地产。由于政府的参与,资源的巨额误会幅度。政府所做的原因是因为中国有一点社会安全网,政府希望以任何成本维持经济增长。这创造了资源的错误分配。

因此,当中国经济减缓时,会有很大的问题。而中国对工业商品的需求将下降。中国对美国的需求将下降。它将减缓全球经济的增长,并影响来自中国奇迹增长的许多国家,如澳大利亚,巴西和加拿大。他们是商品的巨大出口商 - 当中国的经济减慢时,他们会受到伤害。



如果你看美敦力公司medical equipment. The demand for those products will still be there in 3 or 5 years from now. Because as people get older they need more work done on their bodies. So this company has a very good balance sheet and a high return on capital. Over the last ten years, it grew revenues and earnings 14 percent a year and it trades on 10.5 times earnings – ironically the companies that are very geared towards Chinese growth continuing are traded at 16 or 18 times earnings.
