

Target-date fund managers don’t outright admit it, but they have reined in their risk-taking since the market crash of 2008, when they were barraged by furious customers, regulators, and Congress members who claimed that the labeling of 2010 funds, and maybe others, was misleading.

    Target-date fund managers don’t outright admit it, but they have reined in their risk-taking since the market crash of 2008, when they were barraged by furious customers, regulators, and Congress members who claimed that the labeling of 2010 funds, and maybe others, was misleading.


    管理人员声称他们实际上没有陷入改变基金“滑行路径”的压力 - 股票比率与第一美元的固定收入比例的缓慢转变,通过计划退休日期后几十年。例如,富达投资的道路仍然呼吁退休的50%股票,40%,五年后,20%十五年后。



    在类似的举措中,旨在获得一些退休后稳定的,2009年11月的主要财务集团为一项特殊的所得创办基金创建了一个特殊的所得的基金,其新兴市场债务,全球房地产股票,全球股票“的股票重点”的首选证券,and master limited partnerships in oil and gas pipelines, according to Randy Welch, the firm’s director of investment services. The firm starts moving assets into this pool around seven to ten years before the targeted retirement year, gradually increasing the share to 6 to 8 percent of the portfolio a few years after retirement.


    首先,这些新投资的资金必须来自某个地方。从与美国股票相同的整体资产类别到国际股票或从债券到提示的程度 - 滑翔路径的股票到固定收入比率不会改变。但是Reits和Demicities怎么样?“他们可以采取更像股票,所以这笔钱可以来自股票,”赫夫特·恩纳斯纳普(Aon Hewitt的投资咨询臂)分析师Mark Kastory说。但是,它们不是股票。

    Even more dramatically, David O’Meara, an investment consultant at Towers Watson, says that high-yield bonds, emerging markets debt, and commodities are often “an explicit replacement of some of the equity component, definitely de-emphasizing equities to some degree.” There’s no way that a high-yield bond or emerging markets debt can be defined as equity.

    第二种影响来自所有这些变化背后的整体动机 - 提供更稳定的力量和减少波动。这应该降低风险,因此,在下一个市场幻灯片之后,也许是愤怒。

    “Since the financial crisis, certainly there’s been an even greater focus on trying to reduce the impact of extreme economic environments,” O’Meara says.
