

凭借其被低估的股票,着名的逆势投资者David Dreman已经出于击败市场的职业生涯。


Dreman’s Jersey City, New Jersey, firm lost more than three quarters of its assets under management, dropping from $22 billion in late 2007 to $4.7 billion by year-end 2009. “We didn’t realize how deeply the banks were invested in real estate,” he admits. “They didn’t realize themselves, and like lots of money managers, we got hurt.”

74岁的沃德曼已经突破了市场。自1977年以来,他还经历了几种动荡。对于加拿大的温尼伯,本土的温尼伯,没有任何比较最新的:“这真的是我见过的最糟糕的恐慌。”但是,沃德曼拒绝出售他的银行股票,看到美国银行公司的长期价值,如美国银行公司,JPMORGAN Chase&Co.和Wells Fargo&Co.

投资者不太自信。2009年6月,DWS投资,德意志资产管理的零售部门,被解雇了Dememan作为其划分者 - 29亿美元DWS Sureman高回报股权基金,其中21%被投资于金融资金。

沃德曼,四本关于逆向投资和联合编辑的行为金融杂志的作者得到了最后一次笑。“他们在底部出售,”他说,笑。The $118 million large-cap Dreman Contrarian High Opportunity Fund, his firm’s equivalent of the renamed DWS Strategic Value Fund, has gained almost 140 percent since the market lows of March 2009. By comparison, the Standard & Poor’s 500 index has climbed just over 100 percent, while the DWS fund is up roughly 115 percent. Dreman’s fund still holds many of those same bank stocks. “We knew we were dealing with survivors,” he says.


Before going out on his own, Dreman was director of New York research for Dallas-based Rauscher Pierce Refsnes and senior investment officer at New York’s J. & W. Seligman & Co. In 1995 he sold Dreman Value Management to what was then Kemper Financial Services, only to buy it back two years later. Last September, Dreman, the firm’s CIO since 1977, handed the reins to E. Clifton Hoover, his co-CIO for the previous four years.

这两个人相似:购买提供低于P / E,价格到账面价值和价格到现金流量比率的股票,与平均产量高。他们为长期投资,从未从其逆行战略转向,即使它成本为止。“当您必须在制定业务决策和投资决策之间时有时代,”胡佛解释在2006年在达拉斯的NFJ投资集团CIO之后加入了沃德曼。“我们每次都做出真正的投资决策。”


德勒:瑞安航空的另一个有利可图的选择。 The asset manager began snapping up the Irish discount airline’s stock in May 2010, when it had plunged to 12 from 20 times earnings in response to the volcanic eruption in Iceland, which grounded many Ryanair flights. Dreman paid an average of $25.20 and sold in September at $31.18, after receiving a $1.81 special cash dividend. Although the firm doesn’t usually unload stock so quickly, it made an exception for this opportunity.

