
经济学与战略 - 经济学:第一


    Nobuyuki Saji.三菱UFJ摩根士丹利证券有限公司


    首先是第一个直接一年是多菱UFJ摩根士丹利证券公司的诺万尤之·斯坦利证券公司52岁的经济学家发表了一份关于刘易斯转折点的报告 - 工业工资作为盈余供应的时间劳动力缓慢 - 在整个地区的国家;萨吉预测,中国将于2010年达到转折点,但东南亚国家协会的国家仍然近十年。因此,“我们认为中国经济增长减缓和东盟国家潜力更高的风险,”他告诉客户。In January the Asian Development Bank revised its outlook to project that real gross domestic product growth for Asean countries would be 8.6 percent for 2010, not the 8.2 percent predicted in September (which itself was a revision of the ADB’s original forecast of 7.3 percent; it has not revised its 2011 forecast of 7.3 percent growth). In February the Chinese government announced that it expects GDP growth to slow to 7 percent for 2011, down from about 10 percent in 2010. “Economists generally have world views that are either excessively broad or mired in the minutiae, but Saji-san can combine the two,” observes one portfolio manager.
