






“This is something that can help define an asset class in terms of what does count as an impact investment and what doesn’t,” says Beth Richardson, director of GIIRS. “There’s no use in just letting companies tell their own stories, because they can always just tell the piece of the story they want, and not disclose the rest.”

GIIRS, a wholly owned subsidiary of Berwyn, Pennsylvania-based non-profit B Lab, is currently in the process of beta-testing its rating system. This involves on-site visits to 200 social entrepreneurs sprinkled across North America, Latin America, Africa and Asia to gather feedback about the relevance and appropriateness of the impact assessment.

Giirs的预计公开发布于今年7月,一旦该项目是公共公司或投资基金,任何公司或投资基金都可以要求拥有Giirs的社会影响(在目前的测试版测试中,Giirs仅评估200所预先的200家公司- 用于研究阶段)。


与私人股本和ventu的喜欢re capital funds – and the private companies they invest in – creates some challenges that the organizations focusing primarily on the public markets don’t have to face in quite the same way. Despite B Lab’s and GIIRS’ strong advocacy of transparency in the investing and corporate worlds, the project has had to strike a careful balance between transparency and the opacity insisted upon by the private funds and companies providing it with information.

“It’s a different market than the public market,” says Richardson. “There’s no way to get the information without companies’ and funds’ participation, and so we need to respect their boundaries as far as their willingness to provide that information. We’ve had feedback from companies and funds that they’d be hesitant to share information if they were required to publicly disclose it, and we didn’t want that to be a barrier to adoption.”



Giirs已经招募了Duke University的社会企业家精神(案例)的进步中心,以帮助促进学术界在研究影响投资财务回报答复的问题方面的利益。案例于3月举行了两个网络研讨会,向感兴趣的研究人员介绍Giirs数据。

In other ways, too, larger networks of interest will have to form across the investment industry landscape before GIIRS can scale up, says Richardson. Again, because GIIRS focuses on private entities, companies and funds will only ever be rated of their own volition. But that doesn’t mean that incentives couldn’t start to emerge to encourage reticent funds and companies to do so.

“It’s all dependent upon investors,” says Richardson. “I don’t think you’d be able to do what the public markets have done, which is kind of provide ratings for a broad swath of companies without their participation. But if investors are requiring their funds to be rated, and funds in turn are requiring their portfolio companies to be rated, you have the potential for a broader audience to have gone through this process. So an important component of GIIRS is making sure we’re reaching out to institutional investors and helping them understand why this could be valuable to them.”