

CEO Benjamin Lipps spends much of his time focused on how to deliver better dialysis care while also increasing the company’s revenues and profits.

    A man of science, Benjamin Lipps, chief executive officer of Fresenius Medical Care, a provider of products and services for patients with chronic kidney failure, spends much of his time focused on how to deliver better dialysis care to a growing number of patients around the world. His ability to accomplish this task, while also increasing the company’s revenues and profits every year since its founding in 1996 is what most impressed sell-side analysts, who voted Lipps best CEO in the medical technologies and services sector in Institutional Investors 2011 All-European Executive Team ranking. Both buy and sell side analysts voted the firm’s head of investor relations and corporate communications, Oliver Maier, as best IR Professional in the sector. Fresenius Medical Care also won Best Investor Relations outfit in its category.

    Lipps, age 70, received his PhD in chemical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, MA. He has worked in the field of dialysis for almost half a decade and was part of the research team at DOW Chemical, the Midland, MI- based chemical manufacturer that developed the first commercial hollow-fiber artificial kidney in 1966.

    From 1985 to 1996, Lipps served as CEO of Fresenius USA, a Waltham, Massachusetts-based provider of kidney dialysis services and renal care products. He took on the role of CEO of Fresenius Medical Care North America in 1996, serving until 1999 when he became CEO and Chairman of the Management Board of the Bad Homburg, Germany-based parent company Fresenius Medical Care.


    Lipps在透析治疗领域的成就 - 他的办公室坐在透析单元上 - 结合他敏锐的商业意识,只帮助了公司。并增长它。2011年1月4日Fresenius医疗保健为485万欧元签署了485万欧元的购买协议,以获得国际透析中心,Euromedic International的透析服务业务,泛欧医疗服务提供商。在协议之前,Fresenius医疗保健在东欧市场上有一个小立足点,并且一直在寻找增加其存在的方法。相比之下,Euromedic正在寻求一种方法来卸载其血液透析业务,专注于诊断和癌症治疗。



    Due to the worldwide financial crisis, touched off in 2008, with the collapse of U.S.-investment bank Lehman Brothers, many corporations have been looking for ways to downsize over the last couple years in response to a drop in revenue. Not so at Fresenius Medical Care. The lagging economy has had little effect on the need for medical attention worldwide, says Lipps. He made sure to impress this fact upon investors. “Because we are a global company, we needed to spend time with shareholders to point out the uniqueness of our business,” he says. Dialysis is “a disease of age” and as the world population continues to age and live longer, the need for dialysis should only increase, he notes. “For this reason, our business is insulated from the financial gyrations taking place around world.”

    Lipps does concede that in certain area, such as the Asia Pacific region, there has been a lack of treatment for liver disease due to deep economic and financial hardship in that part of the world. But as the financial situation in many of those countries improves, Lipps believes that treatment of the disease will start to be addressed and therefore increase.


    In February of this year, Fresenius Medical Care pleased shareholders again, when it announced it had exceeded its 2010 net revenue guidance by $50 million, finishing the year up 7 percent at $12 billion, compared to $11.2 billion in 2009. The company’s targeted net income of $950 to $980 million achieved the high end, finishing the year up 10 percent at $979 million.

    Those stellar returns resulted in the company’s decision, pending shareholders approval in May 2011, to increase its dividend payout by 7 percent to 65 cents per share – marking the 14th consecutive dividend increase from the firm. “We have a dividend policy where we try to return to shareholders about 50 percent increase of net income,” notes Lipps. Looking ahead, the dialysis provider expects to see revenue growth in Asia rise by 10 percent to 15 percent, due to its dense population and expects single digit growth in North America.

    In an effort to keep investors informed of the company’s ongoing growth strategy, Lipps spends about 20 percent of his time meeting with shareholders, often in one-to-one meetings or joined by Maier and the company’s chief financial officer Michael Brosnan. “We believe it is more important to do one-to-one meetings, face-to-face for 30 minutes,” says Lipps. “It takes time, but it’s worthwhile in the end, because we have a well informed long-term shareholders base.”

